Class: SC.PalettePane
SC.DraggablePaneSupport, SC.PanelPane.
Displays a non-modal, default positioned, drag&drop-able palette pane.
The simplest way to use the palette pane is to define it in an SC.Page
like this:
myPalettePane: SC.PalettePane.create({
layout: { width: 400, height: 200, right: 0, top: 0 },
contentView: SC.View.extend({
Then get it from your page and append like this:
This will cause your palette pane to instantiate lazily and display.
Palette pane is a simple way to provide non-modal messaging that won't blocks the user's interaction with your application. Palette panes are useful for showing important detail information with flexible position. They provide a better user experience than modal panel.
Defined in: palette.js
- Since:
- SproutCore 1.0
Field Summary
- Fields borrowed from SC.PanelPane:
- acceptsKeyPane, ariaDescribedBy, ariaLabel, ariaLabelledBy, ariaRole, contentView, isPanelPane, renderDelegateName
- Fields borrowed from SC.Pane:
- currentWindowSize, firstResponder, isKeyPane, isMainPane, isPane, page, rootResponder, touchZ, wantsTouchIntercept, zIndex
- Fields borrowed from SC.View:
- acceptsFirstResponder, acceptsMultitouch, ariaHidden, attributeBindings, autoMixins, backgroundColor, childViewLayout, childViewLayoutOptions, childViews, childViewsNeedLayout, classNameBindings, concatenatedProperties, createdByParent, designMode, displayProperties, enabledState, firstKeyView, hasLayout, hasTouch, hasVisibility, isBuildingIn, isBuildingOut, isChildViewLayoutLive, isEnabled, isFixedHeight, isFixedPosition, isFixedSize, isFixedWidth, isKeyResponder, isTextSelectable, isView, isVisible, lastKeyView, layerLocationNeedsUpdate, layerNeedsUpdate, layout, modeAdjust, nextKeyView, pane, parentView, previousKeyView, shouldInheritCursor, shouldInheritEnabled, tagName, themeName, toolTip, touchBoundary, transitionAdjust, transitionAdjustOptions, transitionHide, transitionHideOptions, transitionIn, transitionInOptions, transitionOut, transitionOutOptions, transitionShow, transitionShowOptions, useStaticLayout
- Fields borrowed from SC.Responder:
- hasFirstResponder, isFirstResponder, responderContext
- Fields borrowed from SC.Object:
- isDestroyed, isObject, nextProperty, object, property, target, toInvalidate
- Fields borrowed from SC.Observable:
- isObservable
- Fields borrowed from SC.DraggablePaneSupport:
- isAnchored, isDraggablePane
Field Detail
classNames Array- Default value:
- ['sc-palette']
- See:
- SC.View#classNames
Palettes are not modal by default
- Default value:
- NO
- Default value:
- SC.ModalPane
Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Wed Apr 08 2015 10:02:21 GMT-0600 (CST)