Class: SC.ListView
SC.CollectionRowDelegate, SC.CollectionView.
A list view renders vertical or horizontal lists of items. It is a specialized form of collection view that is simpler than a table view, but more refined than a generic collection.
You can use a list view just like any collection view, except that often you
provide the rowSize
, which will be either the height of each row when laying
out rows vertically (the default) or the widht of each row when laying out
the rows horizontally.
Variable Row Heights
Normally you set the row height or width through the rowSize
property, but
you can also support custom row sizes by assigning the customRowSizeIndexes
property to an index set of all custom sized rows.
Using ListView with Very Large Data Sets
ListView implements incremental rendering, which means it will only render HTML for the items that are currently visible on the screen. This means you can use it to efficiently render lists with 100K+ items or more very efficiently.
If you need to work with very large lists of items however, be aware that calculating variable row sizes can become very expensive since the list view will essentially have to iterate over every item in the collection to determine each the total height or width.
Therefore, to work with very large lists, you should consider using a design that allows your row sizes to remain uniform. This will allow the list view to much more efficiently render content.
Alternatively, to support differently sized and incrementally rendered item
views, you may want to consider overriding the offsetForRowAtContentIndex()
and rowSizeForContentIndex()
methods to perform some specialized faster
calculations that do not require inspecting every item in the collection.
Note: row sizes and offsets are cached so once they are calculated the list view will be able to display very quickly.
Dragging and Dropping
When the list view is configured to accept drops onto its items, it
will set the isDropTarget
property on the target item accordingly. This
allows you to modify the appearance of the drop target list item accordingly
(@see SC.ListItemView
Defined in: list.js
- Since:
- SproutCore 1.0
Field Summary
- acceptsFirstResponder
- classNames
- insertionPointView
- layoutDirection
- rowDelegate
- rowHeightForContentIndex Deprecated
- showAlternatingRows
- Fields borrowed from SC.CollectionView:
- action, ACTION_DELAY, actOnSelect, allContentIndexes, calculatedHeight, calculatedWidth, canDeleteContent, canEditContent, canReorderContent, content, contentDelegate, contentExampleViewKey, contentGroupExampleViewKey, contentValueKey, delegate, displayProperties, dragContent, dragDataTypes, exampleView, groupExampleView, isActive, isDropTarget, isEditable, isEnabled, isSelectable, length, nowShowing, proposedDropOperation, proposedInsertionIndex, renderDelegateName, reorderDataType, rightIconAction, rightIconTarget, selection, selectionDelegate, selectOnMouseDown, target, useFastPath, useToggleSelection
- Fields borrowed from SC.View:
- acceptsMultitouch, ariaHidden, ariaRole, attributeBindings, autoMixins, backgroundColor, childViewLayout, childViewLayoutOptions, childViews, childViewsNeedLayout, classNameBindings, concatenatedProperties, createdByParent, designMode, enabledState, firstKeyView, hasLayout, hasTouch, hasVisibility, isBuildingIn, isBuildingOut, isChildViewLayoutLive, isFixedHeight, isFixedPosition, isFixedSize, isFixedWidth, isKeyResponder, isTextSelectable, isView, isVisible, lastKeyView, layerLocationNeedsUpdate, layerNeedsUpdate, modeAdjust, nextKeyView, page, pane, parentView, previousKeyView, shouldInheritCursor, shouldInheritEnabled, tagName, themeName, toolTip, touchBoundary, transitionAdjust, transitionAdjustOptions, transitionHide, transitionHideOptions, transitionIn, transitionInOptions, transitionOut, transitionOutOptions, transitionShow, transitionShowOptions, useStaticLayout
- Fields borrowed from SC.Responder:
- hasFirstResponder, isFirstResponder, responderContext
- Fields borrowed from SC.Object:
- isDestroyed, isObject, nextProperty, object, property, toInvalidate
- Fields borrowed from SC.Observable:
- isObservable
Instance Methods
- computeLayout()
- contentIndexesInRect(rect)
- hideInsertionPoint()
- insertionIndexForLocation(loc, dropOperation)
- layout(key, value)
- layoutForContentIndex(contentIndex)
- rowHeightDidChangeForIndexes(indexes) Deprecated
- rowOffsetForContentIndex(idx)
- rowSizeDidChangeForIndexes(indexes)
- rowSizeForContentIndex(idx)
- showInsertionPoint(itemView, dropOperation)
Field Detail
acceptsFirstResponder Boolean- Default value:
- true
- Default value:
- ['sc-list-view']
- See:
- SC.View#classNames
Default view class used to draw an insertion point, which uses CSS styling to show a horizontal line.
This view's position (top & left) will be automatically adjusted to the point of insertion.
Determines the layout direction of the rows of items, either vertically or horizontally. Possible values:
- Default value:
Version 1.11. Please use the rowSizeForContentIndex()
function instead.
Not implemented by default.
If set to true, the default theme will show alternating rows
for the views this ListView created through exampleView
- Default value:
- false
Instance Method Detail
The layout for a ListView is computed from the total number of rows along with any custom row heights.
Override to return an IndexSet with the indexes that are at least
partially visible in the passed rectangle. This method is used by the
default implementation of computeNowShowing
() to determine the new
range after a scroll.
Override this method to implement incremental rendering.
The default simply returns the current content length.
- Parameters:
- rect Rect
- the visible rect or a point
- Returns:
- SC.IndexSet
- now showing indexes
Compute the insertion index for the passed location. The location is
a point, relative to the top/left corner of the receiver view. The return
value is an index plus a dropOperation
, which is computed as such:
- if outlining is not used and you are within 5px of an edge,
the item after the edge. - if outlining is used and you are within 5px of an edge and the previous
item has a different outline level then the next item, then
the previous item if you are closer to that outline level. - if
and you are over the middle of a row, then useDROP_ON.
- Parameters:
- loc
- dropOperation
- See:
- SC.CollectionView.insertionIndexForLocation
- Parameters:
- key
- value
Computes the layout for a specific content index by combining the current row heights.
- Parameters:
- contentIndex Number
- Returns:
- Hash
- layout hash for the index provided
Version 1.11. Please use the rowSizeDidChangeForIndexes()
function instead.
Call this method whenever a row height has changed in one or more indexes.
This will invalidate the row height cache and reload the content indexes.
Pass either an index set or a single index number.
This method is called automatically whenever you change the rowSize
, rowPadding
or customRowSizeIndexes
properties on the collectionRowDelegate
- Parameters:
- indexes SC.IndexSet|Number
- Returns:
- SC.ListView
- receiver
Returns the top or left offset for the specified content index. This will take into account any custom row sizes and group views.
- Parameters:
- idx Number
- the content index
- Returns:
- Number
- the row offset
Call this method whenever a row size has changed in one or more indexes. This will invalidate the row size cache and reload the content indexes. Pass either an index set or a single index number.
This method is called automatically whenever you change the rowSize
, rowPadding
or customRowSizeIndexes
properties on the collectionRowDelegate
- Parameters:
- indexes SC.IndexSet|Number
- Returns:
- SC.ListView
- receiver
Returns the row size for the specified content index. This will take into account custom row sizes and group rows.
- Parameters:
- idx Number
- content index
- Returns:
- Number
- the row height
- Parameters:
- itemView
- dropOperation