Class: SC.ImageButtonView
SC.ButtonView, SC.Control, SC.View.
Provides a button that displays an image instead of the standard button user interface.
It behaves the same as an SC.ButtonView
, but has an image property that
should be set to a unique class name.
For example:
action: 'imageButtonWasClicked',
image: 'my-image-button-icon'
You could then add some CSS rule for a normal state:
$theme.image-button .my-image-button-icon {
Defined in: image_button.js
- Since:
- SproutCore 1.5
Field Summary
- Fields borrowed from SC.View:
- acceptsFirstResponder, acceptsMultitouch, ariaHidden, ariaRole, attributeBindings, autoMixins, backgroundColor, childViewLayout, childViewLayoutOptions, childViews, childViewsNeedLayout, classNameBindings, concatenatedProperties, createdByParent, designMode, enabledState, firstKeyView, hasLayout, hasTouch, hasVisibility, isBuildingIn, isBuildingOut, isChildViewLayoutLive, isEnabled, isFixedHeight, isFixedPosition, isFixedSize, isFixedWidth, isKeyResponder, isTextSelectable, isView, isVisible, lastKeyView, layerLocationNeedsUpdate, layerNeedsUpdate, layout, modeAdjust, nextKeyView, page, pane, parentView, previousKeyView, shouldInheritCursor, shouldInheritEnabled, tagName, toolTip, touchBoundary, transitionAdjust, transitionAdjustOptions, transitionHide, transitionHideOptions, transitionIn, transitionInOptions, transitionOut, transitionOutOptions, transitionShow, transitionShowOptions, useStaticLayout
- Fields borrowed from SC.Responder:
- hasFirstResponder, isFirstResponder, responderContext
- Fields borrowed from SC.Object:
- isDestroyed, isObject, nextProperty, object, property, target, toInvalidate
- Fields borrowed from SC.Observable:
- isObservable
- Fields borrowed from SC.Control:
- controlSize, errorLabel, fieldKey, fieldLabel, isActive, isControl, isSelected
- Fields borrowed from SC.ButtonView:
- action, autoResizePadding, buttonBehavior, contentIconKey, contentTitleKey, escapeHTML, icon, isCancel, isDefault, keyEquivalent, localize, needsEllipsis, supportFocusRing, title, toggleOffValue, toggleOnValue, value
Field Detail
classNames Array- Default value:
- ['sc-image-button-view']
- See:
- SC.View#classNames
- Default value:
- ['image']
A class name that will be applied to the img tag of the button.
- Default value:
- null
- Default value:
- 'imageButtonRenderDelegate'
Unlike SC.ButtonView
, SC.ImageButtonView
does not have a default theme
that needs to be applied for backwards compatibility.
- Default value:
- null
Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Wed Apr 08 2015 10:02:20 GMT-0600 (CST)