Class: SC.Object
Root object for the SproutCore framework. SC.Object
is the root class for
most classes defined by SproutCore. It builds on top of the native object
support provided by JavaScript to provide support for class-like
inheritance, automatic bindings, properties observers, and more.
Most of the classes you define in your application should inherit from
or one of its subclasses. If you are writing objects of your
own, you should read this documentation to learn some of the details of
how SC.Object's
behave and how they differ from other frameworks.
About SproutCore Classes
JavaScript is not a class-based language. Instead it uses a type of inheritance inspired by self called "prototypical" inheritance. ...
Using SproutCore objects with other JavaScript object.
You can create a SproutCore object just like any other object...
obj = new SC.Object()
Defined in: object.js
- Since:
- SproutCore 1.0
Field Summary
- concatenatedProperties
- SC.Object.isClass
- isDestroyed
- isObject
- nextProperty
- object
- property
- SC.Object.subclasses
- SC.Object.superclass
- target
- toInvalidate
- Fields borrowed from SC.Observable:
- isObservable
Class Methods
- create(props)
- design(attrs)
- extend(props)
- hasSubclass(scClass)
- kindOf(scClass)
- mixin(props)
- reopen(props)
- subclassOf(scClass)
Instance Methods
- activate(newObject)
- awake() Deprecated
- deactivate()
- destroy()
- emitDesign()
- encodeDesign(coder)
- init()
- instanceOf(scClass)
- invokeLast(method)
- invokeLater(method, interval)
- invokeNext(method)
- invokeOnce(method)
- invokeOnceLater(method, interval)
- invokeWith(pathName, target, method)
- kindOf(scClass)
- mixin(ext)
- notifyPropertyDidChange()
- respondsTo(methodName)
- superclass(args) Deprecated
- toString()
- tryToPerform(methodName, arg1, arg2)
Field Detail
concatenatedProperties ArrayThe properties named in this array will be concatenated in subclasses instead of replaced. This allows you to name special properties that should contain any values you specify plus values specified by parents.
It is used by SproutCore and is available for your use, though you should limit the number of properties you include in this list as it adds a slight overhead to new class and instance creation.
The property key on +object+ that contains the object represented by the next node in the chain.
Defined in: property_chain.js.
The key on the previous object in the chain that contains the object represented by this node in the chain.
Defined in: property_chain.js.
Set of subclasses that extend from this class. You can observe this array if you want to be notified when the object is extended.
Points to the superclass for this class. You can use this to trace a class hierarchy.
The target object. This is the object passed to createChain
(), and the
object which contains the +toInvalidate+ property that will be invalidated
if +property+ changes.
Defined in: property_chain.js.
Class Method Detail
Creates a new instance of the class.
Unlike most frameworks, you do not pass parameters to the init function for an object. Instead, you pass a hash of additional properties you want to have assigned to the object when it is first created. This is functionally like creating an anonymous subclass of the receiver and then instantiating it, but more efficient.
You can use create() like you would a normal constructor in a class-based system, or you can use it to create highly customized singleton objects such as controllers or app-level objects. This is often more efficient than creating subclasses and then instantiating them.
You can pass any hash of properties to this method, including mixins.
- Parameters:
- props Hash
- optional hash of method or properties to add to the instance.
- Returns:
- SC.Object
- new instance of the receiver class.
This method works just like extend() except that it will also preserve the passed attributes.
- Parameters:
- attrs Hash
- Attributes to add to view
- Returns:
- Class
- SC.Object subclass to create
Creates a new subclass of the receiver, adding any passed properties to the instance definition of the new class. You should use this method when you plan to create several objects based on a class with similar properties.
If you define an init() method, it will be called when you create instances of your new class. Since SproutCore uses the init() method to do important setup, you must be sure to always call sc_super() somewhere in your init() to allow the normal setup to proceed.
- Parameters:
- props Hash
- the methods of properties you want to add
- Returns:
- Class
- A new object class
Returns YES
if the passed object is a subclass of the receiver. This is
the inverse of subclassOf
() which you call on the class you want to test.
- Parameters:
- scClass Class
- class to compare
- Returns:
- Boolean
Returns YES
if the receiver is the passed class or is a subclass of the
passed class. Unlike subclassOf
(), this method will return YES if you
pass the receiver itself, since class is a kind of itself. See also
ClassA = SC.Object.extend();
ClassB = ClassA.extend();
ClassB.kindOf(ClassA) => YES
ClassA.kindOf(ClassA) => YES
- Parameters:
- scClass Class
- class to compare
- Returns:
- Boolean
Adds the passed properties to the object's class definition. You can pass as many hashes as you want, including Mixins, and they will be added in the order they are passed.
This is a shorthand for calling SC.mixin(MyClass
, props...);
- Parameters:
- props Hash
- the properties you want to add.
- Returns:
- Object
- receiver
- Parameters:
- props
Returns YES
if the receiver is a subclass of the named class. If the
receiver is the class passed, this will return NO since the class is not
a subclass of itself. See also kindOf
ClassA = SC.Object.extend();
ClassB = ClassA.extend();
ClassB.subclassOf(ClassA) => YES
ClassA.subclassOf(ClassA) => NO
- Parameters:
- scClass Class
- class to compare
- Returns:
- Boolean
Instance Method Detail
Registers this segment of the chain with the object it represents.
This should be called with the object represented by the previous node in the chain as the first parameter. If no previous object is provided, it will assume it is the root node in the chain and treat the target as the previous object.
Defined in: property_chain.js.
- Parameters:
- newObject Object Optional
- The object in the chain to hook to.
Removes this segment of the chain from the object it represents. This is usually called when the object represented by the previous segment in the chain changes.
Defined in: property_chain.js.
Call this method when you are finished with an object to teardown its contents. Because JavaScript is garbage collected, you do not usually need to call this method. However, you may choose to do so for certain objects, especially views, in order to let them reclaim memory they consume immediately.
If you would like to perform additional cleanup when an object is finished, you may override this method. Be sure to call sc_super().
- Returns:
- SC.Object
- receiver
Defined in: object.js.
Patch SC.Object
to respond to encodeDesign()
. This will proxy to the
paired designer, if there is one. If there is no paired designer, returns
Defined in: object.js.
- Parameters:
- coder
This method is invoked automatically whenever a new object is instantiated. You can override this method as you like to setup your new object.
Within your object, be sure to call sc_super() to ensure that the built-in init method is also called or your observers and computed properties may not be configured.
Although the default init() method returns the receiver, the return value is ignored.
returns YES
if the receiver is an instance of the named class. See also
var ClassA = SC.Object.extend();
var ClassB = SC.Object.extend();
var instA = ClassA.create();
var instB = ClassB.create();
instA.instanceOf(ClassA) => YES
instB.instanceOf(ClassA) => NO
- Parameters:
- scClass Class
- the class
- Returns:
- Boolean
Invokes the passed method once at the end of the current run of the run loop, before any other methods (including new events) are processed. This is useful for situations where you know you need to update something, but due to the way the run loop works, you can't actually do the update until the run loop has completed.
A simple example is setting the selection on a collection controller to a newly created object. Because the collection controller won't have its content collection updated until later in the run loop, setting the selection immediately will have no effect. In this situation, you could do this instead:
// Creates a new MyRecord object and sets the selection of the
// myRecord collection controller to the new object.
createObjectAction: function (sender, evt) {
// create a new record and add it to the store
var obj = MyRecord.newRecord();
// update the collection controller's selection
MyApp.myRecordCollectionController.invokeLast( function () {
this.set('selection', [obj]);
Note that in development mode only, the object and method that call this method will be recorded, for help in debugging scheduled code.
Invokes the named method after the specified period of time. This
uses SC.Timer
, which works properly with the Run Loop.
Any additional arguments given to invokeOnce
will be passed to the
For example,
var obj = SC.Object.create({
myMethod: function(a, b, c) {
alert('a: %@, b: %@, c: %@'.fmt(a, b, c));
obj.invokeLater('myMethod', 200, 'x', 'y', 'z');
// After 200 ms, alerts "a: x, b: y, c: z"
Defined in: object.js.
- Parameters:
- method
- {String} method name to perform.
- interval
- {Number} period from current time to schedule.
- Returns:
- SC.Timer
- scheduled timer.
Invokes the passed target/method pair once at the beginning of the next run of the run loop, before any other methods (including events) are processed. Use this to defer painting to make views more responsive or to ensure that the layer has been updated before using it.
If you call this with the same target/method pair multiple times it will only invoke the pair only once at the beginning of the next runloop.
Note that in development mode only, the object and method that call this method will be recorded, for help in debugging scheduled code.
Invokes the passed method or method name one time during the runloop. You can use this method to schedule methods that need to execute but may be too expensive to execute more than once, such as methods that update the DOM.
Note that in development mode only, the object and method that call this method will be recorded, for help in debugging scheduled code.
A convenience method which makes it easy to coalesce invocations to ensure that the method is only called once after the given period of time. This is useful if you need to schedule a call from multiple places, but only want it to run at most once.
Any additional arguments given to invokeOnceLater
will be passed to the
For example,
var obj = SC.Object.create({
myMethod: function(a, b, c) {
alert('a: %@, b: %@, c: %@'.fmt(a, b, c));
obj.invokeOnceLater('myMethod', 200, 'x', 'y', 'z');
// After 200 ms, alerts "a: x, b: y, c: z"
Defined in: object.js.
Lookup the named property path and then invoke the passed function, passing the resulting value to the function.
This method is a useful way to handle deferred loading of properties. If you want to defer loading a property, you can override this method. When the method is called, passing a deferred property, you can load the property before invoking the callback method.
You can even swap out the receiver object.
The callback method should have the signature:
function callback(objectAtPath, sourceObject
) { ... }
You may pass either a function itself or a target/method pair.
Defined in: object.js.
Returns true if the receiver is an instance of the named class or any
subclass of the named class. See also instanceOf
var ClassA = SC.Object.extend();
var ClassB = SC.Object.extend();
var instA = ClassA.create();
var instB = ClassB.create();
instA.kindOf(ClassA) => YES
instB.kindOf(ClassA) => YES
- Parameters:
- scClass Class
- the class
- Returns:
- Boolean
You can call this method on an object to mixin one or more hashes of properties on the receiver object. In addition to simply copying properties, this method will also prepare the properties for use in bindings, computed properties, etc.
If you plan to use this method, you should call it before you call
the inherited init method from SC.Object
or else your instance may not
function properly.
// dynamically apply a mixin specified in an object property
var MyClass = SC.Object.extend({
extraMixin: null,
init: function () {
var ExampleMixin = { foo: "bar" };
var instance = MyClass.create({ extraMixin: ExampleMixin });
instance.get('foo') => "bar"
- Parameters:
- ext Hash
- a hash to copy. Only one.
- Returns:
- Object
- receiver
Defined in: property_chain.js.
v1.11 - use sc_super() (with build tools) or arguments.callee.base.apply(this, arguments) instead.
EXPERIMENTAL: You can use this to invoke a superclass implementation in any method. This does not work in Safari 2 or earlier. If you need to target these methods, you should use one of the alternatives below:
- With Build Tools: sc_super();
- Without Build Tools: arguments.callee.base.apply(this, arguments);
All of the following methods will call the superclass implementation of your method:
method1: function () {
method2: function () {
method3: function () {
arguments.callee.base.apply(this, arguments);
- Parameters:
- args *args
- any arguments you want to pass along.
- Returns:
- Object
- return value from super
Defined in: property_chain.js.
- Returns:
- String
Attempts to invoke the named method, passing the included two arguments.
Returns NO
if the method is either not implemented or if the handler
returns NO (indicating that it did not handle the event). This method
is invoked to deliver actions from menu items and to deliver events.
You can override this method to provide additional handling if you