Class: SC.MenuScrollView
Implements a scroll view for menus. This class extends SC.ScrollView
The main difference with SC.ScrollView
is that there is only vertical
scrolling. Value Syncing between SC.MenuScrollView
and SC.MenuScrollerView
is done using valueBinding
Defined in: menu_scroll.js
- Since:
- SproutCore 1.0
Field Summary
- Fields borrowed from SC.ScrollView:
- acceptsMultitouch, autohidesHorizontalScroller, autohidesVerticalScroller, canScale, canScrollHorizontal, containerView, contentView, decelerationRate, fadeOutDelay, hasVerticalScroller, horizontalAlign, horizontalFade, horizontalLineScroll, horizontalOverlay, horizontalPageScroll, horizontalScrollerLayout, horizontalScrollerView, horizontalScrollOffset, initialHorizontalAlign, initialVerticalAlign, isHorizontalScrollerVisible, isScrollable, isVerticalScrollerVisible, maximumHorizontalScrollOffset, maximumScale, maximumVerticalScrollOffset, minimumHorizontalScrollOffset, minimumScale, minimumVerticalScrollOffset, scale, scaleGestureThreshold, scrollGestureThreshold, scrollLockGestureThreshold, verticalAlign, verticalFade, verticalLineScroll, verticalOverlay, verticalPageScroll, verticalScrollerLayout, verticalScrollerView, verticalScrollOffset
- Fields borrowed from SC.View:
- acceptsFirstResponder, ariaHidden, ariaRole, attributeBindings, autoMixins, backgroundColor, childViewLayout, childViewLayoutOptions, childViews, childViewsNeedLayout, classNameBindings, concatenatedProperties, createdByParent, designMode, displayProperties, enabledState, firstKeyView, hasLayout, hasTouch, hasVisibility, isBuildingIn, isBuildingOut, isChildViewLayoutLive, isEnabled, isFixedHeight, isFixedPosition, isFixedSize, isFixedWidth, isKeyResponder, isTextSelectable, isView, isVisible, lastKeyView, layerLocationNeedsUpdate, layerNeedsUpdate, layout, modeAdjust, nextKeyView, page, pane, parentView, previousKeyView, renderDelegateName, shouldInheritCursor, shouldInheritEnabled, tagName, themeName, toolTip, touchBoundary, transitionAdjust, transitionAdjustOptions, transitionHide, transitionHideOptions, transitionIn, transitionInOptions, transitionOut, transitionOutOptions, transitionShow, transitionShowOptions, useStaticLayout
- Fields borrowed from SC.Responder:
- hasFirstResponder, isFirstResponder, responderContext
- Fields borrowed from SC.Object:
- isDestroyed, isObject, nextProperty, object, property, target, toInvalidate
- Fields borrowed from SC.Observable:
- isObservable
Field Detail
bottomScrollerView SC.ViewThe bottom scroller view class. This will be replaced with a view instance when the
MenuScrollView is created unless hasVerticalScroller
is false.
- Default value:
- SC.MenuScrollerView
- See:
- SC.ScrollView
- Default value:
- ['sc-menu-scroll-view']
- See:
- SC.View#classNames
- Default value:
- See:
- SC.Control
YES if the view should maintain a horizontal scroller. This property must be set when the view is created.
- Default value:
- false
- See:
- SC.ScrollView
The top scroller view class. This will be replaced with a view instance when the MenuScrollView
is created unless hasVerticalScroller
is false.
- Default value:
- SC.MenuScrollerView