1 // ==========================================================================
  2 // Project:   SproutCore Costello - Property Observing Library
  3 // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors.
  4 //            Portions ©2008-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
  5 // License:   Licensed under MIT license (see license.js)
  6 // ==========================================================================
  8 sc_require('ext/function');
  9 sc_require('private/observer_set');
 10 sc_require('private/chain_observer');
 12 //@if(debug)
 13 /**
 14   Set to YES to have all observing activity logged to the console.
 16   This is only available in debug mode.
 18   @type Boolean
 19 */
 20 SC.LOG_OBSERVERS = false;
 21 //@endif
 26 /**
 27   @class
 29   Key-Value-Observing (KVO) simply allows one object to observe changes to a
 30   property on another object. It is one of the fundamental ways that models,
 31   controllers and views communicate with each other in a SproutCore
 32   application.  Any object that has this module applied to it can be used in
 33   KVO-operations.
 35   This module is applied automatically to all objects that inherit from
 36   SC.Object, which includes most objects bundled with the SproutCore
 37   framework.  You will not generally apply this module to classes yourself,
 38   but you will use the features provided by this module frequently, so it is
 39   important to understand how to use it.
 41   Enabling Key Value Observing
 42   ---
 44   With KVO, you can write functions that will be called automatically whenever
 45   a property on a particular object changes.  You can use this feature to
 46   reduce the amount of "glue code" that you often write to tie the various
 47   parts of your application together.
 49   To use KVO, just use the KVO-aware methods get() and set() to access
 50   properties instead of accessing properties directly.  Instead of writing:
 52         var aName = contact.firstName;
 53         contact.firstName = 'Charles';
 55   use:
 57         var aName = contact.get('firstName');
 58         contact.set('firstName', 'Charles');
 60   get() and set() work just like the normal "dot operators" provided by
 61   JavaScript but they provide you with much more power, including not only
 62   observing but computed properties as well.
 64   Observing Property Changes
 65   ---
 67   You typically observe property changes simply by adding the observes()
 68   call to the end of your method declarations in classes that you write.  For
 69   example:
 71         SC.Object.create({
 72           valueObserver: function () {
 73             // Executes whenever the "Value" property changes
 74           }.observes('value')
 75         });
 77   Although this is the most common way to add an observer, this capability is
 78   actually built into the SC.Object class on top of two methods defined in
 79   this mixin called addObserver() and removeObserver().  You can use these two
 80   methods to add and remove observers yourself if you need to do so at run
 81   time.
 83   To add an observer for a property, just call:
 85         object.addObserver('propertyKey', targetObject, targetAction);
 87   This will call the 'targetAction' method on the targetObject to be called
 88   whenever the value of the propertyKey changes.
 90   Observer Parameters
 91   ---
 93   An observer function typically does not need to accept any parameters,
 94   however you can accept certain arguments when writing generic observers.
 95   An observer function can have the following arguments:
 97         propertyObserver(target, key, value, revision);
 99   - *target* - This is the object whose value changed.  Usually this.
100   - *key* - The key of the value that changed
101   - *value* - this property is no longer used.  It will always be null
102   - *revision* - this is the revision of the target object
104   Implementing Manual Change Notifications
105   ---
107   Sometimes you may want to control the rate at which notifications for
108   a property are delivered, for example by checking first to make sure
109   that the value has changed.
111   To do this, you need to implement a computed property for the property
112   you want to change and override automaticallyNotifiesObserversFor().
114   The example below will only notify if the "balance" property value actually
115   changes:
118         automaticallyNotifiesObserversFor: function (key) {
119           return (key === 'balance') ? NO : sc_super();
120         },
122         balance: function (key, value) {
123           var balance = this._balance;
124           if ((value !== undefined) && (balance !== value)) {
125             this.propertyWillChange(key);
126             balance = this._balance = value;
127             this.propertyDidChange(key);
128           }
129           return balance;
130         }
133   Implementation Details
134   ---
136   Internally, SproutCore keeps track of observable information by adding a
137   number of properties to the object adopting the observable.  All of these
138   properties begin with "_kvo_" to separate them from the rest of your object.
140   @since SproutCore 1.0
141 */
142 SC.Observable = /** @scope SC.Observable.prototype */ {
144   //@if(debug)
147   /**
148     Allows you to inspect a property for changes. Whenever the named property
149     changes, a log will be printed to the console. This (along with removeProbe)
150     are convenience methods meant for debugging purposes.
152     @param {String} key The name of the property you want probed for changes
153   */
154   addProbe: function (key) { this.addObserver(key, SC.logChange); },
156   /**
157     Stops a running probe from observing changes to the observer.
159     @param {String} key The name of the property you want probed for changes
160   */
161   removeProbe: function (key) { this.removeObserver(key, SC.logChange); },
163   /**
164     Logs the named properties to the console.
166     @param {String...} propertyNames one or more property names
167   */
168   logProperty: function () {
169     var props = SC.$A(arguments),
170         prop, propsLen, idx;
171     for (idx = 0, propsLen = props.length; idx < propsLen; idx++) {
172       prop = props[idx];
173       console.log('%@:%@: '.fmt(SC.guidFor(this), prop), this.get(prop));
174     }
175   },
178   //@endif
180   /** @private Property cache. */
181   _kvo_cache: null,
183   /** @private Whether properties of the object will be cacheable. Becomes true if any one computed property is .cacheable() */
184   _kvo_cacheable: false,
186   /** @private Cache of dependepents for a property. */
187   _kvo_cachedep: null,
189   /** @private */
190   _kvo_changeLevel: 0,
192   /** @private */
193   _kvo_changes: null,
195   /** @private */
196   _kvo_cloned: null,
198   /** @private */
199   _kvo_revision: 0,
201   /** @private */
202   _observableInited: false,
204   /**
205     Walk like that ol' duck
207     @type Boolean
208   */
209   isObservable: YES,
211   /**
212     Determines whether observers should be automatically notified of changes
213     to a key.
215     If you are manually implementing change notifications for a property, you
216     can override this method to return NO for properties you do not want the
217     observing system to automatically notify for.
219     The default implementation always returns YES.
221     @param {String} key the key that is changing
222     @returns {Boolean} YES if automatic notification should occur.
223   */
224   automaticallyNotifiesObserversFor: function (key) {
225     return YES;
226   },
228   // ..........................................
230   //
231   // Use these methods to get/set properties.  This will handle observing
232   // notifications as well as allowing you to define functions that can be
233   // used as properties.
235   /**
236     Retrieves the value of key from the object.
238     This method is generally very similar to using object[key] or object.key,
239     however it supports both computed properties and the unknownProperty
240     handler.
242     Computed Properties
243     ---
245     Computed properties are methods defined with the property() modifier
246     declared at the end, such as:
248           fullName: function () {
249             return this.getEach('firstName', 'lastName').compact().join(' ');
250           }.property('firstName', 'lastName')
252     When you call get() on a computed property, the property function will be
253     called and the return value will be returned instead of the function
254     itself.
256     Unknown Properties
257     ---
259     Likewise, if you try to call get() on a property whose values is
260     undefined, the unknownProperty() method will be called on the object.
261     If this method returns any value other than undefined, it will be returned
262     instead.  This allows you to implement "virtual" properties that are
263     not defined upfront.
265     @param {String} key the property to retrieve
266     @returns {Object} the property value or undefined.
268   */
269   get: function (key) {
270     var ret = this[key], cache;
271     if (ret === undefined) {
272       return this.unknownProperty(key);
273     } else if (ret && ret.isProperty) {
274       if (ret.isCacheable) {
275         cache = this._kvo_cache;
276         if (!cache) cache = this._kvo_cache = {};
278         return (cache[ret.cacheKey] !== undefined) ? cache[ret.cacheKey] : (cache[ret.cacheKey] = ret.call(this, key));
279       } else return ret.call(this, key);
280     } else return ret;
281   },
283   /**
284     Sets the key equal to value.
286     This method is generally very similar to calling object[key] = value or
287     object.key = value, except that it provides support for computed
288     properties, the unknownProperty() method and property observers.
290     Computed Properties
291     ---
293     If you try to set a value on a key that has a computed property handler
294     defined (see the get() method for an example), then set() will call
295     that method, passing both the value and key instead of simply changing
296     the value itself.  This is useful for those times when you need to
297     implement a property that is composed of one or more member
298     properties.
300     Unknown Properties
301     ---
303     If you try to set a value on a key that is undefined in the target
304     object, then the unknownProperty() handler will be called instead.  This
305     gives you an opportunity to implement complex "virtual" properties that
306     are not predefined on the object.  If unknownProperty() returns
307     undefined, then set() will simply set the value on the object.
309     Property Observers
310     ---
312     In addition to changing the property, set() will also register a
313     property change with the object.  Unless you have placed this call
314     inside of a beginPropertyChanges() and endPropertyChanges(), any "local"
315     observers (i.e. observer methods declared on the same object), will be
316     called immediately.  Any "remote" observers (i.e. observer methods
317     declared on another object) will be placed in a queue and called at a
318     later time in a coalesced manner.
320     Chaining
321     ---
323     In addition to property changes, set() returns the value of the object
324     itself so you can do chaining like this:
326           record.set('firstName', 'Charles').set('lastName', 'Jolley');
328     @param {String|Hash} key the property to set
329     @param {Object} value the value to set or null.
330     @returns {SC.Observable}
331   */
332   set: function (key, value) {
333     var func   = this[key],
334         notify = this.automaticallyNotifiesObserversFor(key),
335         ret    = value,
336         cachedep, cache, idx, dfunc;
338     if (value === undefined && SC.typeOf(key) === SC.T_HASH) {
339       var hash = key;
341       for (var hashKey in hash) {
342         if (!hash.hasOwnProperty(hashKey)) continue;
343         this.set(hashKey, hash[hashKey]);
344       }
346       return this;
347     }
349     // if there are any dependent keys and they use caching, then clear the
350     // cache.  (If we're notifying, then propertyDidChange will do this for
351     // us.)
352     if (!notify && this._kvo_cacheable && (cache = this._kvo_cache)) {
353       // lookup the cached dependents for this key.  if undefined, compute.
354       // note that if cachdep is set to null is means we figure out it has no
355       // cached dependencies already.  this is different from undefined.
356       cachedep = this._kvo_cachedep;
357       if (!cachedep || (cachedep = cachedep[key]) === undefined) {
358         cachedep = this._kvo_computeCachedDependentsFor(key);
359       }
361       if (cachedep) {
362         idx = cachedep.length;
363         while (--idx >= 0) {
364           dfunc = cachedep[idx];
365           cache[dfunc.cacheKey] = cache[dfunc.lastSetValueKey] = undefined;
366         }
367       }
368     }
370     // set the value.
371     if (func && func.isProperty) {
372       cache = this._kvo_cache;
373       if (func.isVolatile || !cache || (cache[func.lastSetValueKey] !== value)) {
374         if (!cache) cache = this._kvo_cache = {};
376         cache[func.lastSetValueKey] = value;
377         if (notify) this.propertyWillChange(key);
378         ret = func.call(this, key, value);
380         // update cached value
381         if (func.isCacheable) cache[func.cacheKey] = ret;
382         if (notify) this.propertyDidChange(key, ret, YES);
383       }
385     } else if (func === undefined) {
386       if (notify) this.propertyWillChange(key);
387       this.unknownProperty(key, value);
388       if (notify) this.propertyDidChange(key, ret);
390     } else {
391       if (this[key] !== value) {
392         if (notify) this.propertyWillChange(key);
393         ret = this[key] = value;
394         if (notify) this.propertyDidChange(key, ret);
395       }
396     }
398     return this;
399   },
401   /**
402     Called whenever you try to get or set an undefined property.
404     This is a generic property handler.  If you define it, it will be called
405     when the named property is not yet set in the object.  The default does
406     nothing.
408     @param {String} key the key that was requested
409     @param {Object} value The value if called as a setter, undefined if called as a getter.
410     @returns {Object} The new value for key.
411   */
412   unknownProperty: function (key, value) {
413     if (value !== undefined) { this[key] = value; }
414     return value;
415   },
417   /**
418     Begins a grouping of property changes.
420     You can use this method to group property changes so that notifications
421     will not be sent until the changes are finished.  If you plan to make a
422     large number of changes to an object at one time, you should call this
423     method at the beginning of the changes to suspend change notifications.
424     When you are done making changes, call endPropertyChanges() to allow
425     notification to resume.
427     @returns {SC.Observable}
428   */
429   beginPropertyChanges: function () {
430     this._kvo_changeLevel = this._kvo_changeLevel + 1;
431     return this;
432   },
434   /**
435     Ends a grouping of property changes.
437     You can use this method to group property changes so that notifications
438     will not be sent until the changes are finished.  If you plan to make a
439     large number of changes to an object at one time, you should call
440     beginPropertyChanges() at the beginning of the changes to suspend change
441     notifications. When you are done making changes, call this method to allow
442     notification to resume.
444     @returns {SC.Observable}
445   */
446   endPropertyChanges: function () {
447     this._kvo_changeLevel = (this._kvo_changeLevel || 1) - 1;
448     var level = this._kvo_changeLevel, changes = this._kvo_changes;
449     if ((level <= 0) && changes && (changes.length > 0) && !SC.Observers.isObservingSuspended) {
450       this._notifyPropertyObservers();
451     }
452     return this;
453   },
455   /**
456     Notify the observer system that a property is about to change.
458     Sometimes you need to change a value directly or indirectly without
459     actually calling get() or set() on it.  In this case, you can use this
460     method and propertyDidChange() instead.  Calling these two methods
461     together will notify all observers that the property has potentially
462     changed value.
464     Note that you must always call propertyWillChange and propertyDidChange as
465     a pair.  If you do not, it may get the property change groups out of order
466     and cause notifications to be delivered more often than you would like.
468     @param {String} key The property key that is about to change.
469     @returns {SC.Observable}
470   */
471   propertyWillChange: function (key) {
472     return this;
473   },
475   /**
476     Notify the observer system that a property has just changed.
478     Sometimes you need to change a value directly or indirectly without
479     actually calling get() or set() on it.  In this case, you can use this
480     method and propertyWillChange() instead.  Calling these two methods
481     together will notify all observers that the property has potentially
482     changed value.
484     Note that you must always call propertyWillChange and propertyDidChange as
485     a pair. If you do not, it may get the property change groups out of order
486     and cause notifications to be delivered more often than you would like.
488     @param {String} key The property key that has just changed.
489     @param {Object} value The new value of the key.  May be null.
490     @param {Boolean} _keepCache Private property
491     @returns {SC.Observable}
492   */
493   propertyDidChange: function (key, value, _keepCache) {
494     this._kvo_revision = this._kvo_revision + 1;
495     var level = this._kvo_changeLevel,
496         cachedep, idx, dfunc, func;
498     //@if(debug)
499     var log = SC.LOG_OBSERVERS && (this.LOG_OBSERVING !== NO);
500     //@endif
502     // If any dependent keys contain this property in their path,
503     // invalidate the cache of the computed property and re-setup chain with
504     // new value.
505     var chains = this._kvo_property_chains;
506     if (chains) {
507       var keyChains = chains[key];
509       if (keyChains) {
510         this.beginPropertyChanges();
511         keyChains = SC.clone(keyChains);
512         keyChains.forEach(function (chain) {
513           // Invalidate the property that depends on the changed key.
514           chain.notifyPropertyDidChange();
515         });
516         this.endPropertyChanges();
517       }
518     }
520     var cache = this._kvo_cache;
521     if (cache) {
523       // clear any cached value
524       if (!_keepCache) {
525         func = this[key];
526         if (func && func.isProperty) {
527           cache[func.cacheKey] = cache[func.lastSetValueKey] = undefined;
528         }
529       }
531       if (this._kvo_cacheable) {
532         // if there are any dependent keys and they use caching, then clear the
533         // cache.  This is the same code as is in set.  It is inlined for perf.
534         cachedep = this._kvo_cachedep;
535         if (!cachedep || (cachedep = cachedep[key]) === undefined) {
536           cachedep = this._kvo_computeCachedDependentsFor(key);
537         }
539         if (cachedep) {
540           idx = cachedep.length;
541           while (--idx >= 0) {
542             dfunc = cachedep[idx];
543             cache[dfunc.cacheKey] = cache[dfunc.lastSetValueKey] = undefined;
544           }
545         }
546       }
547     }
549     // save in the change set if queuing changes
550     var suspended = SC.Observers.isObservingSuspended;
551     if ((level > 0) || suspended) {
552       var changes = this._kvo_changes;
553       if (!changes) changes = this._kvo_changes = SC.CoreSet.create();
554       changes.add(key);
556       if (suspended) {
557         //@if(debug)
558         if (log) console.log("%@%@: will not notify observers because observing is suspended".fmt(SC.KVO_SPACES, this));
559         //@endif
560         SC.Observers.objectHasPendingChanges(this);
561       }
563     // otherwise notify property observers immediately
564     } else {
565       this._notifyPropertyObservers(key);
566     }
568     return this;
569   },
571   // ..........................................
573   //
575   /**
576     Use this to indicate that one key changes if other keys it depends on
577     change.  Pass the key that is dependent and additional keys it depends
578     upon.  You can either pass the additional keys inline as arguments or
579     in a single array.
581     You generally do not call this method, but instead pass dependent keys to
582     your property() method when you declare a computed property.
584     You can call this method during your init to register the keys that should
585     trigger a change notification for your computed properties.
587     @param {String} key the dependent key
588     @param {Array|String} dependentKeys one or more dependent keys
589     @returns {Object} this
590   */
591   registerDependentKey: function (key, dependentKeys) {
592     var dependents      = this._kvo_dependents,
593       // chainDependents = this._kvo_chain_dependents,
594       keys, idx, lim, dep, queue;
596     // normalize input.
597     if (typeof dependentKeys === "object" && (dependentKeys instanceof Array)) {
598       keys = dependentKeys;
599       lim  = 0;
600     } else {
601       keys = arguments;
602       lim  = 1;
603     }
604     idx  = keys.length;
606     // define dependents if not defined already.
607     if (!dependents) this._kvo_dependents = dependents = {};
609     // for each key, build array of dependents, add this key...
610     // note that we ignore the first argument since it is the key...
611     while (--idx >= lim) {
612       dep = keys[idx];
614       if (dep.indexOf('.') >= 0) {
615         SC._PropertyChain.createChain(dep, this, key).activate();
616       } else {
617         // add dependent key to dependents array of key it depends on
618         queue = dependents[dep];
619         if (!queue) { queue = dependents[dep] = []; }
620         queue.push(key);
621       }
622     }
623   },
625   /** @private
626     Register a property chain so that dependent keys can be invalidated
627     when a property on this object changes.
629     @param {String} property the property on this object that invalidates the chain
630     @param {SC._PropertyChain} chain the chain to notify
631   */
632   registerDependentKeyWithChain: function (property, chain) {
633     var chains = this._chainsFor(property);
634     chains.add(chain);
635   },
637   /** @private
638     Removes a property chain from the object.
640     @param {String} property the property on this object that invalidates the chain
641     @param {SC._PropertyChain} chain the chain to notify
642   */
643   removeDependentKeyWithChain: function (property, chain) {
644     var chains = this._chainsFor(property);
645     chains.remove(chain);
647     if (chains.get('length') === 0) {
648       delete this._kvo_property_chains[property];
649     }
650   },
652   /** @private
653     Returns an instance of SC.CoreSet in which to save SC._PropertyChains.
655     @param {String} property the property associated with the SC._PropertyChain
656     @returns {SC.CoreSet}
657   */
658   _chainsFor: function (property) {
659     this._kvo_property_chains = this._kvo_property_chains || {};
660     var chains = this._kvo_property_chains[property] || SC.CoreSet.create();
661     this._kvo_property_chains[property] = chains;
663     return chains;
664   },
666   /** @private
668     Helper method used by computeCachedDependents.  Just loops over the
669     array of dependent keys.  If the passed function is cacheable, it will
670     be added to the queue.  Also, recursively call on each keys dependent
671     keys.
673     @param {Array} queue the queue to add functions to
674     @param {Array} keys the array of dependent keys for this key
675     @param {Hash} dependents the _kvo_dependents cache
676     @param {SC.Set} seen already seen keys
677     @returns {void}
678   */
679   _kvo_addCachedDependents: function (queue, keys, dependents, seen) {
680     var idx = keys.length,
681         func, key, deps;
683     while (--idx >= 0) {
684       key  = keys[idx];
685       seen.add(key);
687       // if the value for this key is a computed property, then add it to the
688       // set if it is cacheable, and process any of its dependent keys also.
689       func = this[key];
690       if (func && (func instanceof Function) && func.isProperty) {
691         if (func.isCacheable) queue.push(func); // handle this func
692         if ((deps = dependents[key]) && deps.length > 0) { // and any dependents
693           this._kvo_addCachedDependents(queue, deps, dependents, seen);
694         }
695       }
696     }
698   },
700   /** @private
702     Called by set() whenever it needs to determine which cached dependent
703     keys to clear.  Recursively searches dependent keys to determine all
704     cached property directly or indirectly affected.
706     The return value is also saved for future reference
708     @param {String} key the key to compute
709     @returns {Array}
710   */
711   _kvo_computeCachedDependentsFor: function (key) {
712     var cached     = this._kvo_cachedep,
713         dependents = this._kvo_dependents,
714         keys       = dependents ? dependents[key] : null,
715         queue, seen;
716     if (!cached) cached = this._kvo_cachedep = {};
718     // if there are no dependent keys, then just set and return null to avoid
719     // this mess again.
720     if (!keys || keys.length === 0) return cached[key] = null;
722     // there are dependent keys, so we need to do the work to find out if
723     // any of them or their dependent keys are cached.
724     queue = cached[key] = [];
725     seen  = SC._TMP_SEEN_SET = (SC._TMP_SEEN_SET || SC.CoreSet.create());
726     seen.add(key);
727     this._kvo_addCachedDependents(queue, keys, dependents, seen);
728     seen.clear(); // reset
730     if (queue.length === 0) queue = cached[key] = null; // turns out nothing
731     return queue;
732   },
734   // ..........................................
735   // OBSERVERS
736   //
738   _kvo_for: function (kvoKey, type) {
739     var ret = this[kvoKey];
741     if (!this._kvo_cloned) this._kvo_cloned = {};
743     // if the item does not exist, create it.  Unless type is passed,
744     // assume array.
745     if (!ret) {
746       ret = this[kvoKey] = (type === undefined) ? [] : type.create();
747       this._kvo_cloned[kvoKey] = YES;
749     // if item does exist but has not been cloned, then clone it.  Note
750     // that all types must implement copy().0
751     } else if (!this._kvo_cloned[kvoKey]) {
752       ret = this[kvoKey] = ret.copy();
753       this._kvo_cloned[kvoKey] = YES;
754     }
756     return ret;
757   },
759   /**
760     Adds an observer on a property.
762     This is the core method used to register an observer for a property.
764     Once you call this method, anytime the key's value is set, your observer
765     will be notified.  Note that the observers are triggered anytime the
766     value is set, regardless of whether it has actually changed.  Your
767     observer should be prepared to handle that.
769     You can also pass an optional context parameter to this method.  The
770     context will be passed to your observer method whenever it is triggered.
771     Note that if you add the same target/method pair on a key multiple times
772     with different context parameters, your observer will only be called once
773     with the last context you passed.
775     Observer Methods
776     ---
778     Observer methods you pass should generally have the following signature if
779     you do not pass a "context" parameter:
781           fooDidChange: function (sender, key, value, rev);
783     The sender is the object that changed.  The key is the property that
784     changes.  The value property is currently reserved and unused.  The rev
785     is the last property revision of the object when it changed, which you can
786     use to detect if the key value has really changed or not.
788     If you pass a "context" parameter, the context will be passed before the
789     revision like so:
791           fooDidChange: function (sender, key, value, context, rev);
793     Usually you will not need the value, context or revision parameters at
794     the end.  In this case, it is common to write observer methods that take
795     only a sender and key value as parameters or, if you aren't interested in
796     any of these values, to write an observer that has no parameters at all.
798     @param {String} key the key to observer
799     @param {Object} target the target object to invoke
800     @param {String|Function} method the method to invoke.
801     @param {Object} context optional context
802     @returns {SC.Object} self
803   */
804   addObserver: function (key, target, method, context) {
805     var kvoKey, chain;
807     // normalize.  if a function is passed to target, make it the method.
808     if (method === undefined) {
809       method = target;
810       target = this;
811     }
812     if (!target) target = this;
814     if (typeof method === "string") method = target[method];
815     if (!method) throw new Error("You must pass a method to addObserver()");
817     // Normalize key...
818     key = key.toString();
819     if (key.indexOf('.') >= 0) {
821       // create the chain and save it for later so we can tear it down if
822       // needed.
823       chain = SC._ChainObserver.createChain(this, key, target, method, context);
824       chain.masterTarget = target;
825       chain.masterMethod = method;
827       // Save in set for chain observers.
828       this._kvo_for(SC.keyFor('_kvo_chains', key)).push(chain);
830     // Create observers if needed...
831     } else {
833       // Special case to support reduced properties.  If the property
834       // key begins with '@' and its value is unknown, then try to get its
835       // value.  This will configure the dependent keys if needed.
836       if ((this[key] === undefined) && (key.indexOf('@') === 0)) {
837         this.get(key);
838       }
840       if (target === this) target = null; // use null for observers only.
841       kvoKey = SC.keyFor('_kvo_observers', key);
842       this._kvo_for(kvoKey, SC.ObserverSet).add(target, method, context);
843       this._kvo_for('_kvo_observed_keys', SC.CoreSet).add(key);
844     }
846     if (this.didAddObserver) this.didAddObserver(key, target, method);
847     return this;
848   },
850   /**
851     Remove an observer you have previously registered on this object.  Pass
852     the same key, target, and method you passed to addObserver() and your
853     target will no longer receive notifications.
855     @param {String} key the key to observer
856     @param {Object} target the target object to invoke
857     @param {String|Function} method the method to invoke.
858     @returns {SC.Observable} receiver
859   */
860   removeObserver: function (key, target, method) {
862     var kvoKey, chains, chain, observers, idx;
864     // normalize.  if a function is passed to target, make it the method.
865     if (method === undefined) {
866       method = target;
867       target = this;
868     }
869     if (!target) target = this;
871     if (typeof method === "string") method = target[method];
872     if (!method) throw new Error("You must pass a method to removeObserver()");
874     // if the key contains a '.', this is a chained observer.
875     key = key.toString();
876     if (key.indexOf('.') >= 0) {
878       // try to find matching chains
879       kvoKey = SC.keyFor('_kvo_chains', key);
880       if (chains = this[kvoKey]) {
882         // if chains have not been cloned yet, do so now.
883         chains = this._kvo_for(kvoKey);
885         // remove any chains
886         idx = chains.length;
887         while (--idx >= 0) {
888           chain = chains[idx];
889           if (chain && (chain.masterTarget === target) && (chain.masterMethod === method)) {
890             chains[idx] = chain.destroyChain();
891           }
892         }
893       }
895     // otherwise, just like a normal observer.
896     } else {
897       if (target === this) target = null; // use null for observers only.
898       kvoKey = SC.keyFor('_kvo_observers', key);
899       if (observers = this[kvoKey]) {
900         // if observers have not been cloned yet, do so now
901         observers = this._kvo_for(kvoKey);
902         observers.remove(target, method);
904         // Remove the key when no members remain.
905         if (observers.getMembers().length === 0) {
906           this._kvo_for('_kvo_observed_keys', SC.CoreSet).remove(key);
907         }
908       }
909     }
911     if (this.didRemoveObserver) this.didRemoveObserver(key, target, method);
912     return this;
913   },
915   /**
916     Returns YES if the object currently has observers registered for a
917     particular key.  You can use this method to potentially defer performing
918     an expensive action until someone begins observing a particular property
919     on the object.
921     Optionally, you may pass a target and method to check for the
922     presence of a particular observer. You can use this to avoid creating
923     duplicate observers in situations where that's likely.
925     @param {String} key key to check
926     @param {Object} [target] the target that the observer uses
927     @param {Function|String} [method]) the method on the target that the observer uses
928     @returns {Boolean}
929   */
930   hasObserverFor: function (key, target, method) {
931     SC.Observers.flush(this); // hookup as many observers as possible.
933     var observers = this[SC.keyFor('_kvo_observers', key)],
934         chains = this._kvo_for(SC.keyFor('_kvo_chains', key)),
935         locals = this[SC.keyFor('_kvo_local', key)],
936         isChain = key.indexOf('.') >= 0;
938     // Fast path: no target/method.
939     if (target === undefined) {
940       if (isChain) {
941         if (chains && chains.length > 0) return YES;
942       } else {
943         // Found locally.
944         if (locals && locals.length > 0) return YES;
945         if (observers && observers.getMembers().length > 0) return YES;
946       }
947       return NO;
949     // Slow path: target/method.
950     } else {
951       if (method === undefined) {
952         method = target;
953         target = this;
954       }
955       if (typeof method === "string") method = target[method];
956       if (!method) throw new Error("Developer Error: If present, the `method` argument of hasObserverFor must be (or refer to) a function.");
958       // Declare our iterators.
959       var i, len;
961       // Check remote chains.
962       if (isChain) {
963         if (!chains || !chains.length) return NO;
964         len = chains.length;
965         for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
966           if (chains[i].masterTarget === target && chains[i].masterMethod === method) return YES;
967         }
968         return NO;
970       // Check locals.
971       } else if (target === this) {
972         if (!locals) return NO;
973         len = locals.length;
974         for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
975           if (this[locals[i]] === method) return YES;
976         }
977         return NO;
979       // Check remotes.
980       } else {
981         if (!observers || !observers.members) return NO;
983         len = observers.members.length;
984         var member;
985         for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
986           member = observers.members[i];
987           // If this is a non-chained observer, the first item is the target and the second is the method.
988           if (member[0] === target && member[1] === method) return YES;
989         }
990         return NO;
991       }
992       // TODO: Remote chains.
993     }
994   },
996   /**
997     This method will register any observers and computed properties saved on
998     the object.  Normally you do not need to call this method yourself.  It
999     is invoked automatically just before property notifications are sent and
1000     from the init() method of SC.Object.  You may choose to call this
1001     from your own initialization method if you are using SC.Observable in
1002     a non-SC.Object-based object.
1004     This method looks for several private variables, which you can setup,
1005     to initialize:
1007       - _observers: this should contain an array of key names for observers
1008         you need to configure.
1010       - _bindings: this should contain an array of key names that configure
1011         bindings.
1013       - _properties: this should contain an array of key names for computed
1014         properties.
1016     @returns {Object} this
1017   */
1018   initObservable: function () {
1019     if (this._observableInited) return;
1020     this._observableInited = YES;
1022     var loc, keys, key, value, observer, propertyPaths, propertyPathsLength,
1023         len, ploc, path, propertyKey, keysLen;
1025     // Loop through observer functions and register them
1026     if (keys = this._observers) {
1027       len = keys.length;
1028       for (loc = 0; loc < len; loc++) {
1029         key = keys[loc];
1030         observer = this[key];
1031         propertyPaths = observer.propertyPaths;
1032         propertyPathsLength = (propertyPaths) ? propertyPaths.length : 0;
1033         for (ploc = 0 ; ploc < propertyPathsLength; ploc++) {
1034           path = propertyPaths[ploc];
1035           this.addObservesHandler(observer, path);
1036         }
1037       }
1038     }
1040     // Add Bindings
1041     this.bindings = []; // will be filled in by the bind() method.
1042     if (keys = this._bindings) {
1043       for (loc = 0, keysLen = keys.length; loc < keysLen; loc++) {
1044         // get propertyKey
1045         key = keys[loc];
1046         value = this[key];
1047         propertyKey = key.slice(0, -7); // contentBinding => content
1049         // Replace the short form property with the new binding object.
1050         this[key] = this.bind(propertyKey, value);
1051       }
1052     }
1054     // Add Properties
1055     if (keys = this._properties) {
1056       for (loc = 0, keysLen = keys.length; loc < keysLen; loc++) {
1057         key = keys[loc];
1058         if (value = this[key]) {
1060           // activate cacheable only if needed for perf reasons
1061           if (value.isCacheable) this._kvo_cacheable = YES;
1063           // register dependent keys
1064           if (value.dependentKeys && (value.dependentKeys.length > 0)) {
1065             this.registerDependentKey(key, value.dependentKeys);
1066           }
1067         }
1068       }
1069     }
1071     // Clean up these properties once they have been used.
1072     delete this._bindings;
1073     delete this._properties;
1075     return this;
1076   },
1078   /**
1079     This method will destroy the observable.
1081     @returns {Object} this
1082   */
1083   destroyObservable: function () {
1084     var key, keys,
1085       len,
1086       observer,
1087       path,
1088       propertyPaths,
1089       propertyPathsLength;
1091     // Destroy bindings
1092     this.bindings.invoke('destroy');
1093     delete this.bindings;
1095     // Loop through observer functions and remove them
1096     if (keys = this._observers) {
1097       len = keys.length;
1098       for (var loc = 0; loc < len; loc++) {
1099         key = keys[loc];
1100         observer = this[key];
1101         propertyPaths = observer.propertyPaths;
1102         propertyPathsLength = (propertyPaths) ? propertyPaths.length : 0;
1104         for (var ploc = 0; ploc < propertyPathsLength; ploc++) {
1105           path = propertyPaths[ploc];
1106           this.removeObservesHandler(observer, path);
1107         }
1108       }
1109     }
1111     delete this._observers;
1113     return this;
1114   },
1116   /**
1117     Will add an observes handler to this object for a given property path.
1119     In most cases, the path provided is relative to this object. However,
1120     if the path begins with a capital character then the path is considered
1121     relative to the window object.
1123     @param {Function} observer the function on this object that will be
1124       notified of changes
1125     @param {String} path a property path string
1126     @return {Object} returns this
1127   */
1128   addObservesHandler: function (observer, path) {
1129     this._configureObservesHandler(SC.OBSERVES_HANDLER_ADD, observer, path);
1130     return this;
1131   },
1133   /**
1134     Will remove an observes handler from this object for a given property path.
1136     In most cases, the path provided is relative to this object. However,
1137     if the path begins with a capital character then the path is considered
1138     relative to the window object.
1140     @param {Function} observer the function on this object that will be
1141       notified of changes
1142     @param {String} path a property path string
1143     @return {Object} returns this
1144   */
1145   removeObservesHandler: function (observer, path) {
1146     this._configureObservesHandler(SC.OBSERVES_HANDLER_REMOVE, observer, path);
1147     return this;
1148   },
1150   /** @private
1152     Used to either add or remove an observer handler on this object
1153     for a given property path.
1155     In most cases, the path provided is relative to this object. However,
1156     if the path begins with a capital character then the path is considered
1157     relative to the window object.
1159     You must supply an action that is to be performed by this method. The
1160     action can either be `SC.OBSERVES_HANDLER_ADD` or `SC.OBSERVES_HANDLER_REMOVE`.
1162     @param {Function} observer the function on this object that will be
1163       notified of changes
1164     @param {String} path a property path string
1165     @param {String} path a dot-notation property path string
1166   */
1167   _configureObservesHandler: function (action, observer, path) {
1168     var dotIndex, root;
1170     switch (action) {
1172       action = "addObserver";
1173       break;
1175       action = "removeObserver";
1176       break;
1177     default:
1178       throw new Error("invalid action provided: " + action);
1179     }
1181     dotIndex = path.indexOf('.');
1183     if (dotIndex < 0) {
1184       this[action](path, this, observer);
1185     } else if (path.indexOf('*') === 0) {
1186       this[action](path.slice(1), this, observer);
1187     } else {
1188       root = null;
1190       if (dotIndex === 0) {
1191         root = this;
1192         path = path.slice(1);
1193       } else if (dotIndex === 4 && path.slice(0, 5) === 'this.') {
1194         root = this;
1195         path = path.slice(5);
1196       } else if (dotIndex < 0 && path.length === 4 && path === 'this') {
1197         root = this;
1198         path = '';
1199       } else if (dotIndex > 0 && path[0] === path.charAt(0).toLowerCase()) {
1200         // if the first character for the given path is lower case
1201         // then we assume the path is relative to this
1202         root = this;
1203       }
1205       SC.Observers[action](path, this, observer, root);
1206     }
1207   },
1209   // ..........................................
1211   //
1213   /**
1214     Returns an array with all of the observers registered for the specified
1215     key.  This is intended for debugging purposes only.  You generally do not
1216     want to rely on this method for production code.
1218     @param {String} key the key to evaluate
1219     @returns {Array} array of Observer objects, describing the observer.
1220   */
1221   observersForKey: function (key) {
1222     SC.Observers.flush(this); // hookup as many observers as possible.
1224     var observers = this[SC.keyFor('_kvo_observers', key)];
1225     return observers ? observers.getMembers() : [];
1226   },
1228   /** @private
1229     This private method actually notifies the observers for any keys in the observer queue.  If you
1230     pass a key it will be added to the queue.
1231   */
1232   _notifyPropertyObservers: function (key) {
1233     // Ensure that this object has been initialized.
1234     if (!this._observableInited) this.initObservable();
1236     SC.Observers.flush(this); // hookup as many observers as possible.
1238     var observers, changes, dependents, starObservers, idx, keys, rev,
1239         members, membersLength, member, memberLoc, target, method, loc, func,
1240         context, spaces, cache;
1242     //@if(debug)
1243     var log = SC.LOG_OBSERVERS && this.LOG_OBSERVING !== NO;
1244     if (log) {
1245       spaces = SC.KVO_SPACES = (SC.KVO_SPACES || '') + '  ';
1246       console.log('%@%@: notifying observers after change to key "%@"'.fmt(spaces, this, key));
1247     }
1248     //@endif
1250     // Get any starObservers -- they will be notified of all changes.
1251     starObservers = this['_kvo_observers_*'];
1253     // prevent notifications from being sent until complete
1254     this._kvo_changeLevel = this._kvo_changeLevel + 1;
1256     // keep sending notifications as long as there are changes
1257     while (((changes = this._kvo_changes) && (changes.length > 0)) || key) {
1259       // increment revision
1260       rev = ++this.propertyRevision;
1262       // save the current set of changes and swap out the kvo_changes so that
1263       // any set() calls by observers will be saved in a new set.
1264       if (!changes) changes = SC.CoreSet.create();
1265       this._kvo_changes = null;
1267       // Add the passed key to the changes set.  If a '*' was passed, then
1268       // add all keys in the observers to the set...
1269       // once finished, clear the key so the loop will end.
1270       if (key === '*') {
1271         changes.add('*');
1272         changes.addEach(this._kvo_for('_kvo_observed_keys', SC.CoreSet));
1274       } else if (key) {
1275         changes.add(key);
1276       }
1278       // Now go through the set and add all dependent keys...
1279       dependents = this._kvo_dependents;
1280       if (dependents) {
1282         // NOTE: each time we loop, we check the changes length, this
1283         // way any dependent keys added to the set will also be evaluated...
1284         for (idx = 0; idx < changes.length; idx++) {
1285           key = changes[idx];
1286           keys = dependents[key];
1288           // for each dependent key, add to set of changes.  Also, if key
1289           // value is a cacheable property, clear the cached value...
1290           if (keys && (loc = keys.length)) {
1291             //@if(debug)
1292             if (log) {
1293               console.log("%@...including dependent keys for %@: %@".fmt(spaces, key, keys));
1294             }
1295             //@endif
1296             cache = this._kvo_cache;
1297             if (!cache) cache = this._kvo_cache = {};
1298             while (--loc >= 0) {
1299               changes.add(key = keys[loc]);
1300               if (func = this[key]) {
1301                 this[func.cacheKey] = undefined;
1302                 cache[func.cacheKey] = cache[func.lastSetValueKey] = undefined;
1303               } // if (func=)
1304             } // while (--loc)
1305           } // if (keys &&
1306         } // for(idx...
1307       } // if (dependents...)
1309       // now iterate through all changed keys and notify observers.
1310       while (changes.length > 0) {
1311         key = changes.pop(); // the changed key
1313         // find any observers and notify them...
1314         observers = this[SC.keyFor('_kvo_observers', key)];
1316         if (observers) {
1317           // We need to clone the 'members' structure here in case any of the
1318           // observers we're about to notify happen to remove observers for
1319           // this key, which would mutate the structure underneath us.
1320           // (Cloning it rather than mutating gives us a clear policy:  if you
1321           // were registered as an observer at the time notification begins,
1322           // you will be notified, regardless of whether you're removed as an
1323           // observer during that round of notification.  Similarly, if you're
1324           // added as an observer during the notification round by another
1325           // observer, you will not be notified until the next time.)
1326           members = observers.getMembers();
1327           membersLength = members.length;
1329           for (memberLoc = 0; memberLoc < membersLength; memberLoc++) {
1330             member = members[memberLoc];
1332             if (member[3] === rev) continue; // skip notified items.
1334             if (!member[1]) console.log(member);
1336             target = member[0] || this;
1337             method = member[1];
1338             context = member[2];
1339             member[3] = rev;
1341             //@if(debug)
1342             if (log) console.log('%@...firing observer on %@ for key "%@"'.fmt(spaces, target, key));
1343             //@endif
1344             if (context !== undefined) {
1345               method.call(target, this, key, null, context, rev);
1346             } else {
1347               method.call(target, this, key, null, rev);
1348             }
1349           }
1350         }
1352         // look for local observers.  Local observers are added by SC.Object
1353         // as an optimization to avoid having to add observers for every
1354         // instance when you are just observing your local object.
1355         members = this[SC.keyFor('_kvo_local', key)];
1356         if (members) {
1357           // Note:  Since, unlike above, we don't expect local observers to be
1358           //        removed in general, we will not clone 'members'.
1359           membersLength = members.length;
1360           for (memberLoc = 0; memberLoc < membersLength; memberLoc++) {
1361             member = members[memberLoc];
1362             method = this[member]; // try to find observer function
1363             if (method) {
1364               //@if(debug)
1365               if (log) console.log('%@...firing local observer %@.%@ for key "%@"'.fmt(spaces, this, member, key));
1366               //@endif
1368               method.call(this, this, key, null, rev);
1369             }
1370           }
1371         }
1373         // if there are starObservers, do the same thing for them
1374         if (starObservers && key !== '*') {
1375           // We clone the structure per the justification, above, for regular
1376           // observers.
1377           members = starObservers.getMembers();
1378           membersLength = members.length;
1379           for (memberLoc = 0; memberLoc < membersLength; memberLoc++) {
1380             member = members[memberLoc];
1381             target = member[0] || this;
1382             method = member[1];
1383             context = member[2];
1385             //@if(debug)
1386             if (log) console.log('%@...firing * observer on %@ for key "%@"'.fmt(spaces, target, key));
1387             //@endif
1388             if (context !== undefined) {
1389               method.call(target, this, key, null, context, rev);
1390             } else {
1391               method.call(target, this, key, null, rev);
1392             }
1393           }
1394         }
1396         // if there is a default property observer, call that also
1397         if (this.propertyObserver) {
1398           //@if(debug)
1399           if (log) console.log('%@...firing %@.propertyObserver for key "%@"'.fmt(spaces, this, key));
1400           //@endif
1401           this.propertyObserver(this, key, null, rev);
1402         }
1403       } // while(changes.length>0)
1405       // changes set should be empty. release it for reuse
1406       if (changes) changes.destroy();
1408       // key is no longer needed; clear it to avoid infinite loops
1409       key = null;
1411     } // while (changes)
1413     // done with loop, reduce change level so that future sets can resume
1414     this._kvo_changeLevel = (this._kvo_changeLevel || 1) - 1;
1416     //@if(debug)
1417     if (log) SC.KVO_SPACES = spaces.slice(0, -2);
1418     //@endif
1420     return YES; // finished successfully
1421   },
1423   // ..........................................
1424   // BINDINGS
1425   //
1427   /**
1428     Manually add a new binding to an object.  This is the same as doing
1429     the more familiar propertyBinding: 'property.path' approach.
1431     @param {String} toKey the key to bind to
1432     @param {Object} target target or property path to bind from
1433     @param {String|Function} method method for target to bind from
1434     @returns {SC.Binding} new binding instance
1435   */
1436   bind: function (toKey, target, method) {
1437     var binding, pathType;
1439     //@if(debug)
1440     // Developer support.
1441     if (!target) {
1442       throw new Error("Developer Error: Attempt to bind key `%@` to null or undefined target".fmt(toKey));
1443     }
1444     //@endif
1446     // normalize...
1447     if (method !== undefined) target = [target, method];
1449     pathType = typeof target;
1451     // if a string or array (i.e. tuple) is passed, convert this into a
1452     // binding.  If a binding default was provided, use that.
1453     if (pathType === "string" || (pathType === "object" && (target instanceof Array))) {
1454       binding = this[toKey + 'BindingDefault'] || SC.Binding;
1455       binding = binding.beget().from(target);
1456     } else {
1457       // If a binding object was provided, clone it so that it gets
1458       // connected again if the original example binding was already
1459       // connected.
1460       binding = target.beget();
1461     }
1463     // finish configuring the binding and then connect it.
1464     binding = binding.to(toKey, this).connect();
1465     this.bindings.push(binding);
1467     return binding;
1468   },
1470   /**
1471     didChangeFor is a very important method which allows you to tell whether
1472     a property or properties have changed.
1474     The key to using didChangeFor is to pass a unique string as the first argument,
1475     which signals, "Has anything changed since the last time this was called with
1476     this unique key?" The string can be anything you want, as long as it's unique
1477     and stays the same from call to call.
1479     After the key argument, you can pass as many property arguments as you like;
1480     didChangeFor will only return `true` if any of those properties have changed
1481     since the last call.
1483     For example, in your view's update method, you might want to gate DOM changes
1484     (generally a slow operation) on whether the root values have changed. You might
1485     ask the following:
1487         if (this.didChangeFor('updateOnDisplayValue', 'displayValue')) {
1488           // Update the DOM.
1489         }
1491     In another method on the same view, you might send an event if that same value
1492     has changed:
1494         if (this.didChangeFor('otherMethodDisplayValue', 'displayValue')) {
1495           // Send a statechart action.
1496         }
1498     Each call will correctly return whether the property has changed since the last
1499     time displayDidChange was called *with that key*. The following sequence of calls
1500     will return the following values:
1502       - this.set('displayValue', 'value1');
1503       - this.didChangeFor('updateOnDisplayValue', 'displayValue');
1504       > true;
1505       - this.didChangeFor('updateOnDisplayValue', 'displayValue');
1506       > false;
1507       - this.didChangeFor('otherMethodDisplayValue', 'displayValue');
1508       > true;
1509       - this.set('displayValue', 'value2');
1510       - this.didChangeFor('updateOnDisplayValue', 'displayValue');
1511       > true;
1512       - this.didChangeFor('updateOnDisplayValue', 'displayValue');
1513       > false;
1514       - this.didChangeFor('updateOnDisplayValue', 'displayValue');
1515       > false;
1516       - this.didChangeFor('otherMethodDisplayValue', 'displayValue');
1517       > false;
1519     This method works by comparing property revision counts. Every time a
1520     property changes, an internal counter is incremented. When didChangeFor is
1521     invoked, the current revision count of the property is compared to the
1522     revision count from the last time this method was called.
1524     @param {String|Object} context a unique identifier
1525     @param {String…} propertyNames one or more property names
1526   */
1527   didChangeFor: function (context) {
1528     var valueCache, revisionCache, seenValues, seenRevisions, ret,
1529         currentRevision, idx, key, value;
1530     context = SC.hashFor(context); // get a hash key we can use in caches.
1532     // setup caches...
1533     valueCache = this._kvo_didChange_valueCache;
1534     if (!valueCache) valueCache = this._kvo_didChange_valueCache = {};
1535     revisionCache = this._kvo_didChange_revisionCache;
1536     if (!revisionCache) revisionCache = this._kvo_didChange_revisionCache = {};
1538     // get the cache of values and revisions already seen in this context
1539     seenValues = valueCache[context] || {};
1540     seenRevisions = revisionCache[context] || {};
1542     // prepare to loop!
1543     ret = false;
1544     currentRevision = this._kvo_revision;
1545     idx = arguments.length;
1546     while (--idx >= 1) {  // NB: loop only to 1 to ignore context arg.
1547       key = arguments[idx];
1549       // has the kvo revision changed since the last time we did this?
1550       if (seenRevisions[key] != currentRevision) {
1551         // yes, check the value with the last seen value
1552         value = this.get(key);
1553         if (seenValues[key] !== value) {
1554           ret = true; // did change!
1555           seenValues[key] = value;
1556         }
1557       }
1558       seenRevisions[key] = currentRevision;
1559     }
1561     valueCache[context] = seenValues;
1562     revisionCache[context] = seenRevisions;
1563     return ret;
1564   },
1566   /**
1567     Sets the property only if the passed value is different from the
1568     current value.  Depending on how expensive a get() is on this property,
1569     this may be more efficient.
1571     NOTE: By default, the set() method will not set the value unless it has
1572     changed. However, this check can skipped by setting .property().idempotent(NO)
1573     setIfChanged() may be useful in this case.
1575     @param {String|Hash} key the key to change
1576     @param {Object} value the value to change
1577     @returns {SC.Observable}
1578   */
1579   setIfChanged: function (key, value) {
1580     if (value === undefined && SC.typeOf(key) === SC.T_HASH) {
1581       var hash = key;
1583       for (key in hash) {
1584         if (!hash.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue;
1585         this.setIfChanged(key, hash[key]);
1586       }
1588       return this;
1589     }
1591     return (this.get(key) !== value) ? this.set(key, value) : this;
1592   },
1594   /**
1595     Navigates the property path, returning the value at that point.
1597     If any object in the path is undefined, returns undefined.
1598     @param {String} path The property path you want to retrieve
1599   */
1600   getPath: function (path) {
1601     var tuple = SC.tupleForPropertyPath(path, this);
1602     if (tuple === null || tuple[0] === null) return undefined;
1603     return SC.get(tuple[0], tuple[1]);
1604   },
1606   /**
1607     Navigates the property path, finally setting the value.
1609     @param {String} path the property path to set
1610     @param {Object} value the value to set
1611     @returns {SC.Observable}
1612   */
1613   setPath: function (path, value) {
1614     if (path.indexOf('.') >= 0) {
1615       var tuple = SC.tupleForPropertyPath(path, this);
1616       if (!tuple || !tuple[0]) return null;
1617       tuple[0].set(tuple[1], value);
1618     } else this.set(path, value); // shortcut
1619     return this;
1620   },
1622   /**
1623     Navigates the property path, finally setting the value but only if
1624     the value does not match the current value.  This will avoid sending
1625     unnecessary change notifications.
1627     @param {String} path the property path to set
1628     @param {Object} value the value to set
1629     @returns {Object} this
1630   */
1631   setPathIfChanged: function (path, value) {
1632     if (path.indexOf('.') >= 0) {
1633       var tuple = SC.tupleForPropertyPath(path, this);
1634       if (!tuple || !tuple[0]) return null;
1635       if (tuple[0].get(tuple[1]) !== value) {
1636         tuple[0].set(tuple[1], value);
1637       }
1638     } else this.setIfChanged(path, value); // shortcut
1639     return this;
1640   },
1642   /**
1643     Convenience method to get an array of properties.
1645     Pass in multiple property keys or an array of property keys.  This
1646     method uses getPath() so you can also pass key paths.
1648     @returns {Array} Values of property keys.
1649   */
1650   getEach: function () {
1651     var ret = [], idx, idxLen;
1653     for (idx = 0, idxLen = arguments.length; idx < idxLen; idx++) {
1654       ret[ret.length] = this.getPath(arguments[idx]);
1655     }
1656     return ret;
1657   },
1660   /**
1661     Increments the value of a property.
1663     @param {String} key property name
1664     @param {Number} increment the amount to increment (optional)
1665     @returns {Number} new value of property
1666   */
1667   incrementProperty: function (key, increment) {
1668     if (!increment) increment = 1;
1669     this.set(key, (this.get(key) || 0) + increment);
1670     return this.get(key);
1671   },
1673   /**
1674     Decrements the value of a property.
1676     @param {String} key property name
1677     @param {Number} increment the amount to decrement (optional)
1678     @returns {Number} new value of property
1679   */
1680   decrementProperty: function (key, increment) {
1681     if (!increment) increment = 1;
1682     this.set(key, (this.get(key) || 0) - increment);
1683     return this.get(key);
1684   },
1686   /**
1687     Inverts a property.  Property should be a bool.
1689     @param {String} key property name
1690     @param {Object} value optional parameter for "true" value
1691     @param {Object} alt optional parameter for "false" value
1692     @returns {Object} new value
1693   */
1694   toggleProperty: function (key, value, alt) {
1695     if (value === undefined) value = true;
1696     if (alt === undefined) alt = false;
1697     value = (this.get(key) == value) ? alt : value;
1698     this.set(key, value);
1699     return this.get(key);
1700   },
1702   /**
1703     Convenience method to call propertyWillChange/propertyDidChange.
1705     Sometimes you need to notify observers that a property has changed value
1706     without actually changing this value.  In those cases, you can use this
1707     method as a convenience instead of calling propertyWillChange() and
1708     propertyDidChange().
1710     @param {String} key The property key that has just changed.
1711     @param {Object} value The new value of the key.  May be null.
1712     @returns {SC.Observable}
1713   */
1714   notifyPropertyChange: function (key, value) {
1715     this.propertyWillChange(key);
1716     this.propertyDidChange(key, value);
1717     return this;
1718   },
1720   /**
1721     Notifies observers of all possible property changes.
1723     Sometimes when you make a major update to your object, it is cheaper to
1724     simply notify all observers that their property might have changed than
1725     to figure out specifically which properties actually did change.
1727     In those cases, you can simply call this method to notify all property
1728     observers immediately.  Note that this ignores property groups.
1730     @returns {SC.Observable}
1731   */
1732   allPropertiesDidChange: function () {
1733     this._kvo_cache = null; //clear cached props
1734     this._notifyPropertyObservers('*');
1735     return this;
1736   },
1738   propertyRevision: 1
1740 };
1742 //@if(debug)
1743 /** @private used by addProbe/removeProbe. Debug mode only. */
1744 SC.logChange = function logChange(target, key, value) {
1745   console.log("CHANGE: %@[%@] => %@".fmt(target, key, target.get(key)));
1746 };
1747 //@endif
1749 /**
1750   Retrieves a property from an object, using get() if the
1751   object implements SC.Observable.
1753   @param  {Object}  object  the object to query
1754   @param  {String}  key the property to retrieve
1755 */
1756 SC.mixin(SC, {
1758   get: function (object, key) {
1759     if (!object) return undefined;
1760     if (key === undefined) return this[object];
1761     if (object.get) return object.get(key);
1762     return object[key];
1763   },
1765   /**
1766     Retrieves a property from an object at a specified path, using get() if
1767     the object implements SC.Observable.
1769     @param  {Object}  object  the object to query
1770     @param  {String}  path the path to the property to retrieve
1771   */
1772   getPath: function (object, path) {
1773     if (path === undefined) {
1774       path = object;
1775       object = window;
1776     }
1777     return SC.objectForPropertyPath(path, object);
1778   }
1780 });
1782 // Make all Array's observable
1783 SC.mixin(Array.prototype, SC.Observable);