1 // ==========================================================================
  2 // Project:   SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework
  3 // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors.
  4 //            Portions ©2008-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
  5 // License:   Licensed under MIT license (see license.js)
  6 // ==========================================================================
  8 sc_require('system/core_query') ;
 10 /**
 11   The event class provides a simple cross-platform library for capturing and
 12   delivering events on DOM elements and other objects.  While this library
 13   is based on code from both jQuery and Prototype.js, it includes a number of
 14   additional features including support for handler objects and event
 15   delegation.
 17   Since native events are implemented very unevenly across browsers,
 18   SproutCore will convert all native events into a standardized instance of
 19   this special event class.
 21   SproutCore events implement the standard W3C event API as well as some
 22   additional helper methods.
 24   @constructor
 25   @param {Event} originalEvent
 26   @returns {SC.Event} event instance
 28   @since SproutCore 1.0
 29 */
 30 SC.Event = function(originalEvent) {
 31   this._sc_updateNormalizedEvent(originalEvent);
 33   return this;
 34 };
 36 SC.mixin(SC.Event, /** @scope SC.Event */ {
 38   /**
 39     We need this because some browsers deliver different values
 40     for mouse wheel deltas. Once the first mouse wheel event has
 41     been run, this value will get set.
 43     @field
 44     @type Number
 45     @default 1
 46   */
 47   MOUSE_WHEEL_MULTIPLIER: function() {
 48     var deltaMultiplier = 1,
 49         version = SC.browser.engineVersion;
 51     if (SC.browser.name === SC.BROWSER.safari) {
 52       deltaMultiplier = 0.4;
 53       // Safari 5.0.1 and up
 54       if (SC.browser.compare(version, '533.17') > 0 && SC.browser.compare(version, '534') < 0) {
 55         deltaMultiplier = 0.004;
 56       } else if (SC.browser.compare(version, '533') < 0) {
 57         // Scrolling in Safari 5.0
 58         deltaMultiplier = 40;
 59       }
 60     }else if(SC.browser.name === SC.BROWSER.ie){
 61       deltaMultiplier = 0.3;
 62     }else if(SC.browser.name === SC.BROWSER.chrome){
 63       deltaMultiplier = 0.4;
 64     }
 65     return deltaMultiplier;
 66   }(),
 68   /**
 69     This represents the limit in the delta before a different multiplier
 70     will be applied. Because we can't generated an accurate mouse
 71     wheel event ahead of time, and browsers deliver differing values
 72     for mouse wheel deltas, this is necessary to ensure that
 73     browsers that scale their values largely are dealt with correctly
 74     in the future.
 76     @type Number
 77     @default 1000
 78   */
 81   /** @private
 82     We only want to invalidate once
 83   */
 86   /**
 87     Standard method to create a new event.  Pass the native browser event you
 88     wish to wrap if needed.
 89   */
 90   create: function(e) { return new SC.Event(e); },
 92   // the code below was borrowed from jQuery, Dean Edwards, and Prototype.js
 94   /**
 95     Bind an event to an element.
 97     This method will cause the passed handler to be executed whenever a
 98     relevant event occurs on the named element.  This method supports a
 99     variety of handler types, depending on the kind of support you need.
101     ## Simple Function Handlers
103         SC.Event.add(anElement, "click", myClickHandler) ;
105     The most basic type of handler you can pass is a function.  This function
106     will be executed every time an event of the type you specify occurs on the
107     named element.  You can optionally pass an additional context object which
108     will be included on the event in the event.data property.
110     When your handler function is called, the function's "this" property
111     will point to the element the event occurred on.
113     The click handler for this method must have a method signature like:
115         function(event) { return YES|NO; }
117     ## Method Invocations
119         SC.Event.add(anElement, "click", myObject, myObject.aMethod) ;
121     Optionally you can specify a target object and a method on the object to
122     be invoked when the event occurs.  This will invoke the method function
123     with the target object you pass as "this".  The method should have a
124     signature like:
126         function(event, targetElement) { return YES|NO; }
128     Like function handlers, you can pass an additional context data paramater
129     that will be included on the event in the event.data property.
131     ## Handler Return Values
133     Both handler functions should return YES if you want the event to
134     continue to propagate and NO if you want it to stop.  Returning NO will
135     both stop bubbling of the event and will prevent any default action
136     taken by the browser.  You can also control these two behaviors separately
137     by calling the stopPropagation() or preventDefault() methods on the event
138     itself, returning YES from your method.
140     ## Limitations
142     Although SproutCore's event implementation is based on jQuery, it is
143     much simpler in design.  Notably, it does not support namespaced events
144     and you can only pass a single type at a time.
146     If you need more advanced event handling, consider the SC.ClassicResponder
147     functionality provided by SproutCore or use your favorite DOM library.
149     @param {Element} elem a DOM element, window, or document object
150     @param {String} eventType the event type you want to respond to
151     @param {Object} target The target object for a method call or a function.
152     @param {Object} method optional method or method name if target passed
153     @param {Object} context optional context to pass to the handler as event.data
154     @returns {Object} receiver
155   */
156   add: function(elem, eventType, target, method, context, useCapture) {
158     // if a CQ object is passed in, either call add on each item in the
159     // matched set, or simply get the first element and use that.
160     if (elem && elem.isCoreQuery) {
161       if (elem.length > 0) {
162         elem.forEach(function(e) {
163           this.add(e, eventType, target, method, context);
164         }, this);
165         return this;
166       } else elem = elem[0];
167     }
168     if (!elem) return this; // nothing to do
170 		if (!useCapture) {
171 			useCapture = NO;
172 		}
174     // cannot register events on text nodes, etc.
175     if ( elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 ) return SC.Event;
177     // For whatever reason, IE has trouble passing the window object
178     // around, causing it to be cloned in the process
179     if (SC.browser.name === SC.BROWSER.ie && elem.setInterval) elem = window;
181     // if target is a function, treat it as the method, with optional context
182     if (SC.typeOf(target) === SC.T_FUNCTION) {
183       context = method;
184       method = target;
185       target = null;
187     // handle case where passed method is a key on the target.
188     } else if (target && SC.typeOf(method) === SC.T_STRING) {
189       method = target[method];
190     }
192     // Get the handlers queue for this element/eventType.  If the queue does
193     // not exist yet, create it and also setup the shared listener for this
194     // eventType.
195     var events = SC.data(elem, "sc_events") || SC.data(elem, "sc_events", {}),
196         handlers = events[eventType];
198     if (!handlers) {
199       handlers = events[eventType] = {};
200       this._addEventListener(elem, eventType, useCapture);
201     }
203     // Build the handler array and add to queue
204     handlers[SC.hashFor(target, method)] = [target, method, context];
205     SC.Event._global[eventType] = YES ; // optimization for global triggers
207     // Nullify elem to prevent memory leaks in IE
208     elem = events = handlers = null ;
209     return this ;
210   },
212   /**
213     Removes a specific handler or all handlers for an event or event+type.
215     To remove a specific handler, you must pass in the same function or the
216     same target and method as you passed into SC.Event.add().  See that method
217     for full documentation on the parameters you can pass in.
219     If you omit a specific handler but provide both an element and eventType,
220     then all handlers for that element will be removed.  If you provide only
221     and element, then all handlers for all events on that element will be
222     removed.
224     ## Limitations
226     Although SproutCore's event implementation is based on jQuery, it is
227     much simpler in design.  Notably, it does not support namespaced events
228     and you can only pass a single type at a time.
230     If you need more advanced event handling, consider the SC.ClassicResponder
231     functionality provided by SproutCore or use your favorite DOM library.
233     @param {Element} elem a DOM element, window, or document object
234     @param {String} eventType the event type to remove
235     @param {Object} target The target object for a method call.  Or a function.
236     @param {Object} method optional name of method
237     @returns {Object} receiver
238   */
239   remove: function(elem, eventType, target, method) {
241     // if a CQ object is passed in, either call add on each item in the
242     // matched set, or simply get the first element and use that.
243     if (elem && elem.isCoreQuery) {
244       if (elem.length > 0) {
245         elem.forEach(function(e) {
246           this.remove(e, eventType, target, method);
247         }, this);
248         return this;
249       } else elem = elem[0];
250     }
251     if (!elem) return this; // nothing to do
253     // don't do events on text and comment nodes
254     if ( elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 ) return SC.Event;
256     var handlers, key, events = SC.data(elem, "sc_events") ;
257     if (!events) return this ; // nothing to do if no events are registered
259     // if no type is provided, remove all types for this element.
260     if (eventType === undefined) {
261       for (var anEventType in events) this.remove(elem, anEventType) ;
263     // otherwise, remove the handler for this specific eventType if found
264     } else if ((handlers = events[eventType])) {
266       var cleanupHandlers = NO ;
268       // if a target/method is provided, remove only that one
269       if (target || method) {
271         // normalize the target/method
272         if (SC.typeOf(target) === SC.T_FUNCTION) {
273           method = target; target = null ;
274         } else if (SC.typeOf(method) === SC.T_STRING) {
275           method = target[method] ;
276         }
278         delete handlers[SC.hashFor(target, method)];
280         // check to see if there are handlers left on this event/eventType.
281         // if not, then cleanup the handlers.
282         key = null ;
283         for(key in handlers) break ;
284         if (key===null) cleanupHandlers = YES ;
286       // otherwise, just cleanup all handlers
287       } else cleanupHandlers = YES ;
289       // If there are no more handlers left on this event type, remove
290       // eventType hash from queue.
291       if (cleanupHandlers) {
292         delete events[eventType] ;
293         this._removeEventListener(elem, eventType) ;
294       }
296       // verify that there are still events registered on this element.  If
297       // there aren't, cleanup the element completely to avoid memory leaks.
298       key = null ;
299       for (key in events) break;
300       if (!key) {
301         SC.removeData(elem, "sc_events") ;
302         delete this._elements[SC.guidFor(elem)]; // important to avoid leaks
304         // Clean up the cached listener to prevent a memory leak.
305         SC.removeData(elem, 'listener');
306       }
308     }
310     elem = events = handlers = null ; // avoid memory leaks
311     return this ;
312   },
314   NO_BUBBLE: ['blur', 'focus', 'change'],
316   /**
317     Generates a simulated event object.  This is mostly useful for unit
318     testing.  You can pass the return value of this property into the
319     trigger() method to actually send the event.
321     @param {Element} elem the element the event targets
322     @param {String} eventType event type.  mousedown, mouseup, etc
323     @param {Hash} attrs optional additional attributes to apply to event.
324     @returns {Hash} simulated event object
325   */
326   simulateEvent: function(elem, eventType, attrs) {
327     var ret = SC.Event.create({
328       type: eventType,
329       target: elem,
330       preventDefault: function(){ this.cancelled = YES; },
331       stopPropagation: function(){ this.bubbles = NO; },
332       allowDefault: function() { this.hasCustomEventHandling = YES; },
333       timeStamp: Date.now(),
334       bubbles: (this.NO_BUBBLE.indexOf(eventType)<0),
335       cancelled: NO,
336       normalized: YES,
337       simulated: true
338     });
339     if (attrs) SC.mixin(ret, attrs) ;
340     return ret ;
341   },
343   /**
344     Trigger an event execution immediately.  You can use this method to
345     simulate arbitrary events on arbitrary elements.
347     ## Limitations
349     Note that although this is based on the jQuery implementation, it is
350     much simpler.  Notably namespaced events are not supported and you cannot
351     trigger events globally.
353     If you need more advanced event handling, consider the SC.Responder
354     functionality provided by SproutCore or use your favorite DOM library.
356     ## Example
358         SC.Event.trigger(view.get('layer'), 'mousedown');
360     @param elem {Element} the target element
361     @param eventType {String} the event type
362     @param event {SC.Event} [event] pre-normalized event to pass to handler
363     @param donative ??
364     @returns {Boolean} Return value of trigger or undefined if not fired
365   */
366   trigger: function(elem, eventType, event, donative) {
368     // if a CQ object is passed in, either call add on each item in the
369     // matched set, or simply get the first element and use that.
370     if (elem && elem.isCoreQuery) {
371       if (elem.length > 0) {
372         elem.forEach(function(e) {
373           this.trigger(e, eventType, event, donative);
374         }, this);
375         return this;
376       } else elem = elem[0];
377     }
378     if (!elem) return this; // nothing to do
380     // don't do events on text and comment nodes
381     if ( elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 ) return undefined;
383     // Backwards-compatibility. Normalize from an Array.
384     if (SC.typeOf(event) === SC.T_ARRAY) { event = event[0]; }
386     var ret, fn = SC.typeOf(elem[eventType] || null) === SC.T_FUNCTION ,
387         current, onfoo, isClick;
389     // Get the event to pass, creating a fake one if necessary
390     if (!event || !event.preventDefault) {
391       event = this.simulateEvent(elem, eventType);
392     }
394     event.type = eventType;
396     // Trigger the event - bubble if enabled
397     current = elem;
398     do {
399       ret = SC.Event.handle.call(current, event);
400       current = (current===document) ? null : (current.parentNode || document);
401     } while(!ret && event.bubbles && current);
402     current = null ;
404     // Handle triggering native .onfoo handlers
405     onfoo = elem["on" + eventType] ;
406     isClick = SC.$.nodeName(elem, 'a') && eventType === 'click';
407     if ((!fn || isClick) && onfoo && onfoo.call(elem, event) === NO) ret = NO;
409     // Trigger the native events (except for clicks on links)
410     if (fn && donative !== NO && ret !== NO && !isClick) {
411       this.triggered = YES;
412       try {
413         elem[ eventType ]();
414       // prevent IE from throwing an error for some hidden elements
415       } catch (e) {}
416     }
418     this.triggered = NO;
420     return ret;
421   },
423   /**
424     This method will handle the passed event, finding any registered listeners
425     and executing them.  If you have an event you want handled, you can
426     manually invoke this method.  This function expects it's "this" value to
427     be the element the event occurred on, so you should always call this
428     method like:
430         SC.Event.handle.call(element, event) ;
432     Note that like other parts of this library, the handle function does not
433     support namespaces.
435     @param event {DOMEvent} the event to handle
436     @returns {Boolean}
437   */
438   handle: function (event) {
440     // ignore events triggered after window is unloaded or if double-called
441     // from within a trigger.
442     if ((typeof SC === "undefined") || SC.Event.triggered) return true;
444     // returned undefined or false
445     var val, ret, handlers, method, target;
447     // get the handlers for this event type
448     handlers = (SC.data(this, "sc_events") || {})[event.type];
450     // no handlers for the event
451     if (!handlers) {
452       val = false; // nothing to do
454     } else {
455       // normalize event across browsers.  The new event will actually wrap the real event with a normalized API.
456       event = SC.Event.normalizeEvent(event || window.event);
458       // invoke all handlers
459       for (var key in handlers) {
460         var handler = handlers[key];
462         method = handler[1];
464         // Pass in a reference to the handler function itself so that we can remove it later.
465         event.handler = method;
466         event.data = event.context = handler[2];
468         target = handler[0] || this;
469         ret = method.call(target, event);
471         if (val !== false) val = ret;
473         // if method returned NO, do not continue.  Stop propagation and
474         // return default.  Note that we test explicitly for NO since
475         // if the handler returns no specific value, we do not want to stop.
476         if ( ret === false ) {
477           event.preventDefault();
478           event.stopPropagation();
479         }
480       }
482       // Clean up the cached normalized SC.Event so that it's not holding onto extra memory.
483       if (event.originalEvent && !event.originalEvent.simulated) { event._sc_clearNormalizedEvent(); }
484     }
486     return val;
487   },
489   /**
490     This method is called just before the window unloads to unhook all
491     registered events.
492   */
493   unload: function() {
494     var key, elements = this._elements ;
495     for(key in elements) this.remove(elements[key]) ;
497     // just in case some book-keeping was screwed up.  avoid memory leaks
498     for(key in elements) delete elements[key] ;
499     delete this._elements ;
500   },
502   /**
503     This hash contains handlers for special or custom events.  You can add
504     your own handlers for custom events here by simply naming the event and
505     including a hash with the following properties:
507      - setup: this function should setup the handler or return NO
508      - teardown: this function should remove the event listener
510   */
511   special: {
513     ready: {
514       setup: function() {
515         // Make sure the ready event is setup
516         SC._bindReady() ;
517         return;
518       },
520       teardown: function() { return; }
522     },
524     /** @private
525         Implement support for mouseenter on browsers other than IE */
526     mouseenter: {
527       setup: function() {
528         if ( SC.browser.name === SC.BROWSER.ie ) return NO;
529         SC.Event.add(this, 'mouseover', SC.Event.special.mouseenter.handler);
530         return YES;
531       },
533       teardown: function() {
534         if ( SC.browser.name === SC.BROWSER.ie ) return NO;
535         SC.Event.remove(this, 'mouseover', SC.Event.special.mouseenter.handler);
536         return YES;
537       },
539       handler: function (event) {
540         // If we actually just moused on to a sub-element, ignore it
541         if ( SC.Event._withinElement(event, this) ) return YES;
542         // Execute the right handlers by setting the event type to mouseenter
543         event.type = "mouseenter";
545         return SC.Event.handle.call(this, event);
546       }
547     },
549     /** @private
550         Implement support for mouseleave on browsers other than IE */
551     mouseleave: {
552       setup: function() {
553         if ( SC.browser.name === SC.BROWSER.ie ) return NO;
554         SC.Event.add(this, "mouseout", SC.Event.special.mouseleave.handler);
555         return YES;
556       },
558       teardown: function() {
559         if ( SC.browser.name === SC.BROWSER.ie ) return NO;
560         SC.Event.remove(this, "mouseout", SC.Event.special.mouseleave.handler);
561         return YES;
562       },
564       handler: function (event) {
565         // If we actually just moused on to a sub-element, ignore it
566         if ( SC.Event._withinElement(event, this) ) return YES;
567         // Execute the right handlers by setting the event type to mouseleave
568         event.type = "mouseleave";
569         return SC.Event.handle.call(this, event);
570       }
571     }
572   },
575   KEY_TAB:       9,
576   KEY_RETURN:   13,
577   KEY_ESC:      27,
578   KEY_SPACE:    32,
579   KEY_LEFT:     37,
580   KEY_UP:       38,
581   KEY_RIGHT:    39,
582   KEY_DOWN:     40,
583   KEY_DELETE:   46,
584   KEY_HOME:     36,
585   KEY_END:      35,
586   KEY_PAGEUP:   33,
587   KEY_PAGEDOWN: 34,
588   KEY_INSERT:   45,
590   _withinElement: function(event, elem) {
591     // Check if mouse(over|out) are still within the same parent element
592     var parent = event.relatedTarget;
594     // Traverse up the tree
595     while ( parent && parent !== elem ) {
596       try { parent = parent.parentNode; } catch(error) { parent = elem; }
597     }
599     // Return YES if we actually just moused on to a sub-element
600     return parent === elem;
601   },
603   /** @private
604     Adds the primary event listener for the named type on the element.
606     If the event type has a special handler defined in SC.Event.special,
607     then that handler will be used.  Otherwise the normal browser method will
608     be used.
610     @param elem {Element} the target element
611     @param eventType {String} the event type
612   */
613   _addEventListener: function(elem, eventType, useCapture) {
614     var listener,
615         special = this.special[eventType] ;
617 		if (!useCapture) {
618 			useCapture = false;
619 		}
621     // Check for a special event handler
622     // Only use addEventListener/attachEvent if the special
623     // events handler returns false
624     if ( !special || special.setup.call(elem) === false) {
626       // Save element in cache.  This must be removed later to avoid
627       // memory leaks.
628       var guid = SC.guidFor(elem) ;
629       this._elements[guid] = elem;
631       // Either retrieve the previously cached listener or cache a new one.
632       listener = SC.data(elem, "listener") || SC.data(elem, "listener",
633         function handle_event (event) {
634           return SC.Event.handle.call(SC.Event._elements[guid], event);
635         });
637       // Bind the global event handler to the element
638       if (elem.addEventListener) {
639         elem.addEventListener(eventType, listener, useCapture);
640       } else if (elem.attachEvent) {
641         // attachEvent is not working for IE8 and xhr objects
642         // there is currently a hack in request , but it needs to fixed here.
643         elem.attachEvent("on" + eventType, listener);
644       }
645     }
647     elem = special = listener = null; // avoid memory leak
648   },
650   /** @private
651     Removes the primary event listener for the named type on the element.
653     If the event type has a special handler defined in SC.Event.special,
654     then that handler will be used.  Otherwise the normal browser method will
655     be used.
657     Note that this will not clear the _elements hash from the element.  You
658     must call SC.Event.unload() on unload to make sure that is cleared.
660     @param elem {Element} the target element
661     @param eventType {String} the event type
662   */
663   _removeEventListener: function(elem, eventType) {
664     var listener, special = SC.Event.special[eventType] ;
665     if (!special || (special.teardown.call(elem)===NO)) {
666       // Retrieve the cached listener.
667       listener = SC.data(elem, "listener") ;
668       if (listener) {
669         if (elem.removeEventListener) {
670           elem.removeEventListener(eventType, listener, NO);
671         } else if (elem.detachEvent) {
672           elem.detachEvent("on" + eventType, listener);
673         }
674       }
675     }
677     elem = special = listener = null ;
678   },
680   _elements: {},
682   _sc_normalizedEvents: null,
684   // implement preventDefault() in a cross platform way
686   /** @private Take an incoming event and convert it to a normalized event. */
687   normalizeEvent: function (event) {
688     var ret;
690     // Create the cache the first time.
691     if (!this._sc_normalizedEvents) { this._sc_normalizedEvents = {}; }
692     ret = this._sc_normalizedEvents[event.type];
694     // Create a new normalized SC.Event.
695     if (!ret) {
696       if (event === window.event) {
697         // IE can't do event.normalized on an Event object
698         ret = SC.Event.create(event) ;
699       } else {
700         ret = event.normalized ? event : SC.Event.create(event) ;
701       }
703     // When passed an SC.Event, don't re-normalize it.
704     // TODO: This is hacky nonsense left over from a whole pile of bad decisions in SC.Event—
705     } else if (event.normalized) {
706       ret = event;
708     // Update the cached normalized SC.Event with the new DOM event.
709     } else {
710       ret._sc_updateNormalizedEvent(event);
711     }
713     // Cache the normalized event object for this type of event. This allows us to avoid recreating
714     // SC.Event objects constantly for noisy events such as 'mousemove' or 'mousewheel'.
715     this._sc_normalizedEvents[event.type] = ret;
717     return ret;
718   },
720   _global: {},
722   /** @private properties to copy from native event onto the event */
723   // TODO: Remove this needless copy.
724   _props: ['altKey', 'attrChange', 'attrName', 'bubbles', 'button', 'cancelable', 'charCode', 'clientX', 'clientY', 'ctrlKey', 'currentTarget', 'data', 'detail', 'fromElement', 'handler', 'keyCode', 'metaKey', 'newValue', 'originalTarget', 'pageX', 'pageY', 'prevValue', 'relatedNode', 'relatedTarget', 'screenX', 'screenY', 'shiftKey', 'srcElement', 'target', 'timeStamp', 'toElement', 'type', 'view', 'which', 'touches', 'targetTouches', 'changedTouches', 'animationName', 'elapsedTime', 'dataTransfer']
726 });
728 SC.Event.prototype = {
730   /**
731     Set to YES if you have called either preventDefault() or stopPropagation().
732     This allows a generic event handler to notice if you want to provide
733     detailed control over how the browser handles the real event.
735     @type Boolean
736   */
737   hasCustomEventHandling: false,
739   /** @private Clear out the originalEvent from the SC.Event instance. */
740   _sc_clearNormalizedEvent: function () {
741     // Remove the original event.
742     this.originalEvent = null;
744     // Reset the custom event handling and normalized flag.
745     this.hasCustomEventHandling = false;
746     this.normalized = false;
748     // Remove non-primitive properties copied over from the original event. While these will
749     // be overwritten, it's best to quickly null them out to avoid any issues.
750     var props = SC.Event._props,
751       idx;
753     idx = props.length;
754     while(--idx >= 0) {
755       var key = props[idx];
756       this[key] = null;
757     }
759     // Remove the custom properties associated with the previous original event. While these will
760     // be overwritten, it's best to quickly null them out to avoid any issues.
761     this.timeStamp = null;
762     this.target = null;
763     this.relatedTarget = null;
764     this.pageX = null;
765     this.pageY = null;
766     this.which = null;
767     this.metaKey = null;
768     this.wheelDelta = null;
769     this.wheelDeltaY = null;
770     this.wheelDeltaX = null;
771   },
773   /** @private Update the SC.Event instance with the new originalEvent. */
774   _sc_updateNormalizedEvent: function (originalEvent) {
775     var idx, len;
777     // Flag.
778     this.normalized = true;
780     // copy properties from original event, if passed in.
781     if (originalEvent) {
782       this.originalEvent = originalEvent ;
783       var props = SC.Event._props,
784         key;
786       len = props.length;
787       idx = len;
788       while(--idx >= 0) {
789         key = props[idx] ;
790         this[key] = originalEvent[key] ;
791       }
792     }
794     // Fix timeStamp
795     this.timeStamp = this.timeStamp || Date.now();
797     // Fix target property, if necessary
798     // Fixes #1925 where srcElement might not be defined either
799     if (!this.target) this.target = this.srcElement || document;
801     // check if target is a textnode (safari)
802     if (this.target.nodeType === 3 ) this.target = this.target.parentNode;
804     // Add relatedTarget, if necessary
805     if (!this.relatedTarget && this.fromElement) {
806       this.relatedTarget = (this.fromElement === this.target) ? this.toElement : this.fromElement;
807     }
809     // Calculate pageX/Y if missing and clientX/Y available
810     if (SC.none(this.pageX) && !SC.none(this.clientX)) {
811       var doc = document.documentElement, body = document.body;
812       this.pageX = this.clientX + (doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0) - (doc.clientLeft || 0);
813       this.pageY = this.clientY + (doc && doc.scrollTop || body && body.scrollTop || 0) - (doc.clientTop || 0);
814     }
816     // Add which for key events
817     if (!this.which && ((this.charCode || originalEvent.charCode === 0) ? this.charCode : this.keyCode)) {
818       this.which = this.charCode || this.keyCode;
819     }
821     // Add metaKey to non-Mac browsers (use ctrl for PC's and Meta for Macs)
822     if (!this.metaKey && this.ctrlKey) this.metaKey = this.ctrlKey;
824     // Add which for click: 1 == left; 2 == middle; 3 == right
825     // Note: button is not normalized, so don't use it
826     if (!this.which && this.button) {
827       this.which = ((this.button & 1) ? 1 : ((this.button & 2) ? 3 : ( (this.button & 4) ? 2 : 0 ) ));
828     }
830     // Normalize wheel delta values for mousewheel events.
831     /*
832       Taken from https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/mousewheel
833       IE and Opera (Presto) only support wheelDelta attribute and do not support horizontal scroll.
835       The wheelDeltaX attribute value indicates the wheelDelta attribute value along the horizontal axis. When a user operates the device for scrolling to right, the value is negative. Otherwise, i.e., if it's to left, the value is positive.
837       The wheelDeltaY attribute value indicates the wheelDelta attribute value along the vertical axis. The sign of the value is the same as the wheelDelta attribute value.
839       IE
841       The value is the same as the delta value of WM_MOUSEWHEEL or WM_MOUSEHWHEEL. It means that if the mouse wheel doesn't support high resolution scroll, the value is 120 per notch. The value isn't changed even if the scroll amount of system settings is page scroll.
843       ## Chrome
845       On Windows, the value is the same as the delta value of WM_MOUSEWHEEL or WM_MOUSEHWHEEL. And also, the value isn't changed even if the scroll amount of system settings is page scroll, i.e., the value is the same as IE on Windows.
847       On Linux, the value is 120 or -120 per native wheel event. This makes the same behavior as IE and Chrome for Windows.
849       On Mac, the value is complicated. The value is changed if the device that causes the native wheel event supports continuous scroll.
851       If the device supports continuous scroll (e.g., trackpad of MacBook or mouse wheel which can be turned smoothly), the value is computed from accelerated scroll amount. In this case, the value is the same as Safari.
853       If the device does not support continuous scroll (typically, old mouse wheel which cannot be turned smoothly), the value is computed from non-accelerated scroll amount (120 per notch). In this case, the value is different from Safari.
855       This difference makes a serious issue for web application developers. That is, web developers cannot know if mousewheel event is caused by which device.
857       See WebInputEventFactory::mouseWheelEvent of the Chromium's source code for the detail.
859       ## Safari
861       The value is always computed from accelerated scroll amount. This is really different from other browsers except Chrome with continuous scroll supported device.
863       Note: tested with the Windows package, the earliest available version was Safari 3.0 from 2007. It could be that earlier versions (on Mac) support the properties too.
865       ## Opera (Presto)
867       The value is always the detail attribute value ✕ 40.
869       On Windows, since the detail attribute value is computed from actual scroll amount, the value is different from other browsers except the scroll amount per notch is 3 lines in system settings or a page.
871       On Linux, the value is 80 or -80 per native wheel event. This is different from other browsers.
873       On Mac, the detail attribute value is computed from accelerated scroll amout of native event. The value is usually much bigger than Safari's or Chrome's value.
874     */
875     if (this.type === 'mousewheel' || this.type === 'DOMMouseScroll' || this.type === 'MozMousePixelScroll') {
876       var deltaMultiplier = SC.Event.MOUSE_WHEEL_MULTIPLIER;
878       // normalize wheelDelta, wheelDeltaX, & wheelDeltaY for Safari
879       if (SC.browser.isWebkit && originalEvent.wheelDelta !== undefined) {
880         this.wheelDelta = 0 - (originalEvent.wheelDeltaY || originalEvent.wheelDeltaX);
881         this.wheelDeltaY = 0 - (originalEvent.wheelDeltaY || 0);
882         this.wheelDeltaX = 0 - (originalEvent.wheelDeltaX || 0);
884       // normalize wheelDelta for Firefox (all Mozilla browsers)
885       // note that we multiple the delta on FF to make it's acceleration more natural.
886       } else if (!SC.none(originalEvent.detail) && SC.browser.isMozilla) {
887         if (originalEvent.axis && (originalEvent.axis === originalEvent.HORIZONTAL_AXIS)) {
888           this.wheelDeltaX = originalEvent.detail;
889           this.wheelDelta = this.wheelDeltaY = 0;
890         } else {
891           this.wheelDelta = this.wheelDeltaY = originalEvent.detail;
892           this.wheelDeltaX = 0;
893         }
895       // handle all other legacy browser
896       } else {
897         this.wheelDelta = this.wheelDeltaY = SC.browser.isIE || SC.browser.isOpera ? 0 - originalEvent.wheelDelta : originalEvent.wheelDelta;
898         this.wheelDeltaX = 0;
899       }
901       this.wheelDelta *= deltaMultiplier;
902       this.wheelDeltaX *= deltaMultiplier;
903       this.wheelDeltaY *= deltaMultiplier;
904     }
905   },
907   /**
908     Returns the touches owned by the supplied view.
910     @param {SC.View}
911     @returns {Array} touches an array of SC.Touch objects
912   */
913   touchesForView: function(view) {
914     if (this.touchContext) return this.touchContext.touchesForView(view);
915   },
917   /**
918     Same as touchesForView, but sounds better for responders.
920     @param {SC.RootResponder}
921     @returns {Array} touches an array of SC.Touch objects
922   */
923   touchesForResponder: function(responder) {
924     if (this.touchContext) return this.touchContext.touchesForView(responder);
925   },
927   /**
928     Returns average data--x, y, and d (distance)--for the touches owned by the
929     supplied view.
931     @param {SC.View}
932     @returns {Array} touches an array of SC.Touch objects
933   */
934   averagedTouchesForView: function(view) {
935     if (this.touchContext) return this.touchContext.averagedTouchesForView(view);
936     return null;
937   },
939   /**
940     Indicates that you want to allow the normal default behavior.  Sets
941     the hasCustomEventHandling property to YES but does not cancel the event.
943     @returns {SC.Event} receiver
944   */
945   allowDefault: function() {
946     this.hasCustomEventHandling = YES ;
947     return this ;
948   },
950   /**
951     Implements W3C standard.  Will prevent the browser from performing its
952     default action on this event.
954     @returns {SC.Event} receiver
955   */
956   preventDefault: function() {
957     var evt = this.originalEvent ;
958     if (evt) {
959       if (evt.preventDefault) evt.preventDefault() ;
960       else evt.returnValue = NO ; // IE8
961     }
962     this.hasCustomEventHandling = YES ;
963     return this ;
964   },
966   /**
967     Implements W3C standard.  Prevents further bubbling of the event.
969     @returns {SC.Event} receiver
970   */
971   stopPropagation: function() {
972     var evt = this.originalEvent ;
973     if (evt) {
974       if (evt.stopPropagation) evt.stopPropagation() ;
975       evt.cancelBubble = YES ; // IE
976     }
977     this.hasCustomEventHandling = YES ;
978     return this ;
979   },
981   /**
982     Stops both the default action and further propagation.  This is more
983     convenient than calling both.
985     @returns {SC.Event} receiver
986   */
987   stop: function() {
988     return this.preventDefault().stopPropagation();
989   },
991   /**
992     Always YES to indicate the event was normalized.
994     @type Boolean
995   */
996   normalized: YES,
998   /**
999     Returns the pressed character as a String.
1001     @returns {String}
1002   */
1003   // Warning.
1004   // Older versions of IE don't support charCode, but on keypress return the
1005   // ASCII value in keyCode instead of the key code.  Therefore, if this code is
1006   // used on keyDown in IE versions prior to 9.0, it will fail.
1007   // Since SproutCore passes the keydown and keypress events as a keyDown
1008   // method, it's most likely that this code will cause unexpected problems
1009   // in IE 7 & IE 8.
1010   //
1011   // Reference: http://unixpapa.com/js/key.html
1012   getCharString: function() {
1013     if(SC.browser.name === SC.BROWSER.ie &&
1014         SC.browser.compare(SC.browser.version, '9.0') < 0) {
1015       // Return an empty String for backspace, tab, left, right, up or down.
1016       if(this.keyCode === 8 || this.keyCode === 9 ||
1017           (this.keyCode >= 37 && this.keyCode <= 40)) {
1018         return String.fromCharCode(0);
1019       } else {
1020         // This will only be accurate if the event is a keypress event.
1021         return (this.keyCode>0) ? String.fromCharCode(this.keyCode) : null;
1022       }
1023     } else {
1024       return (this.charCode>0) ? String.fromCharCode(this.charCode) : null;
1025     }
1026   },
1028   /**
1029     Returns characters with command codes for the event.
1031     The first value is a normalized command code identifying the modifier keys that are pressed in
1032     combination with a character key. Command codes can be used to map key combinations to an action
1033     in the application. A basic example of a normalized command code would be `ctrl_x`, which
1034     corresponds to the combination of the `command` key with the `x` key being pressed on OS X or
1035     the `ctrl` key with the `x` key in Windows.
1037     The second value is the character string by itself. So for `ctrl_x`, this would be simply `x`. However,
1038     for `alt_x` it would be `≈` and for `alt_shift_x`, it would be `˛`.
1040     ## Considerations for Different OS's
1042     At this time, the meta (command) key in OS X is mapped to the `ctrl_` command code prefix. This
1043     means that on OS X, command + s, and on Windows, ctrl + s, both become the same command code, `ctrl_s`.
1045     Note that the order of command code prefixes is important and goes in the order: `ctrl_`, `alt_`,
1046     `shift_`. The following are examples of command codes:
1048     * ctrl_x
1049     * alt_x
1050     * ctrl_shift_x
1051     * ctrl_alt_shift_x
1052     * alt_shift_x
1054     @returns {Array}
1055   */
1056   commandCodes: function () {
1057     var charCode = this.charCode,
1058       keyCode = this.keyCode,
1059       charString = null,
1060       commandCode = null,
1061       baseKeyName;
1063     // WebKit browsers have equal values for `keyCode` and `charCode` on the keypress event. For example,
1064     // the letter `r` and the function `f3` both have a `keyCode` of 114. But the `r` also has a `charCode`
1065     // of 114.
1066     // If there is a keyCode and no matching charCode it is a function key.
1067     if (keyCode && keyCode !== charCode) {
1068       commandCode = SC.FUNCTION_KEYS[keyCode];
1069     }
1071     // Use the function name as the key name in the command code (ex. `down` could become `shift_down`).
1072     if (commandCode) {
1073       baseKeyName = commandCode;
1075     // Find the base character for the key (i.e. `alt` + `a` becomes `å`, but we really want the key name, `a`).
1076     } else {
1077       baseKeyName = SC.PRINTABLE_KEYS[keyCode];
1078     }
1080     // If there is a base key name, append any modifiers to generate the command code.
1081     if (baseKeyName) {
1082       var modifiers = '';
1084       // Append the pressed modifier keys into a name used to identify command codes.
1085       // For example, holding the keys: shift, command & x, will map to the name "ctrl_shift_x".
1086       if (this.ctrlKey || this.metaKey) modifiers += 'ctrl_';
1087       // UNUSED. In a future version we should scrap ctrl vs. meta for the proper intent depending on the current OS.
1088       // if (this.ctrlKey) modifiers += 'ctrl_';
1089       // In OS X at least, when the ctrl key is pressed, both ctrlKey & metaKey are true. This makes it impossible to identify
1090       // ctrl + meta vs. just ctrl. We can identify just meta though.
1091       // else if (this.metaKey) modifiers += 'meta_';
1093       if (this.altKey) modifiers += 'alt_';
1094       if (this.shiftKey) modifiers += 'shift_';
1096       commandCode = modifiers + baseKeyName;
1097     }
1099     charString = this.getCharString();  // A character string or null.
1101     return [commandCode, charString];
1102   }
1104 };
1106 // Also provide a Prototype-like API so that people can use either one.
1108 /** Alias for add() method.  This provides a Prototype-like API. */
1109 SC.Event.observe = SC.Event.add ;
1111 /** Alias for remove() method.  This provides a Prototype-like API */
1112 SC.Event.stopObserving = SC.Event.remove ;
1114 /** Alias for trigger() method.  This provides a Prototype-like API */
1115 SC.Event.fire = SC.Event.trigger;
1117 // Register unload handler to eliminate any registered handlers
1118 // This avoids leaks in IE and issues with mouseout or other handlers on
1119 // other browsers.
1121 if(SC.browser.name === SC.BROWSER.ie) SC.Event.add(window, 'unload', SC.Event.prototype, SC.Event.unload) ;
1124   16:'shift', 17:'ctrl', 18: 'alt'
1125 };
1128   8: 'backspace',  9: 'tab',  13: 'return',  19: 'pause',  27: 'escape',
1129   33: 'pageup', 34: 'pagedown', 35: 'end', 36: 'home',
1130   37: 'left', 38: 'up', 39: 'right', 40: 'down', 44: 'printscreen',
1131   45: 'insert', 46: 'delete', 112: 'f1', 113: 'f2', 114: 'f3', 115: 'f4',
1132   116: 'f5', 117: 'f7', 119: 'f8', 120: 'f9', 121: 'f10', 122: 'f11',
1133   123: 'f12', 144: 'numlock', 145: 'scrolllock'
1134 } ;
1137   32: ' ', 48:"0", 49:"1", 50:"2", 51:"3", 52:"4", 53:"5", 54:"6", 55:"7",
1138   56:"8", 57:"9", 59:";", 61:"=", 65:"a", 66:"b", 67:"c", 68:"d", 69:"e",
1139   70:"f", 71:"g", 72:"h", 73:"i", 74:"j", 75:"k", 76:"l", 77:"m", 78:"n",
1140   79:"o", 80:"p", 81:"q", 82:"r", 83:"s", 84:"t", 85:"u", 86:"v", 87:"w",
1141   88:"x", 89:"y", 90:"z", 107:"+", 109:"-", 110:".", 188:",", 190:".",
1142   191:"/", 192:"`", 219:"[", 220:"\\", 221:"]", 222:"\""
1143 } ;